Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A delegation of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is in Rome and participating in a program at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. Since at the Gregorian University pro abortion and homosexuality rabbis are allowed to address students and seminarians in the name of tolerance and openness.

The same Rabbinate oversaw a Jewish Rabbi in Israel recant.

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, praised Jesus and referred to him as “Rabbi Jesus".According to reports Rabbi Riskin stated on a Youtube video that Jesus was a model Rabbi. There were accusations of heresy and Rabbi Riskin had to recant. He retracted his earlier statement with another Youtube video. His description of Jesus he said was ‘unfortunate’.

Unlike the Koran which respects Jesus as a great prophet and has admiration for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jewish religious books, the Chief Rabbinate knows, blaspheme Jesus and Our Lady.The material was inserted so that Jews despise the Church and do not convert to the new religion of the Jewish Messiah.

The Rabbinate is aware of the persecution of Christians in Israel which is not being reported by the pro Jewish Left media, including the media in Italy.

The Rabbinate approves the separation of Church and state in Italy while in Israel there is no separation of state and synagogue. The distribution of pamphlets with New Testament quotations can result in five years imprisonment.

So the members of the Jewish Rabbinate in Israel and the USA who are in Rome are, on Jewish Mission. They now also have a Jewish seminary in Rome.

There are many Jewish Left institutes in Rome and the Rome Municipality (Comune di Rome) has allotted one entire library complex solely for the Holocaust and the Jewish Left interpretation of the holocaust tragedy.

A young Jew in Rome is free to begin rabbinical studies according to the Jewish tradition he is interested in .This freedom is not there for a young Catholic wanting to be a priest or nun .The Catholic cannot enter  a religious seminary or community which teaches Jews need to convert to avoid Hell.Since the Jewish Left have used various forms of pressure over the years to have the Church hierarchy  change Catholic teaching in Rome. So a Catholic who sincerely believes in Vatican Council II and the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus cannot become a priest or nun.

The Pontifical University or its Catholic priest-professor could be sued under Jewish Left hate laws(anti-Semitism) placed by a small minority on the majority Catholic population and which exempts Jews from being sued legally.A Jewish Rabbi has indicated  on the internet recently  that the Jewish Anti Defamation League is a major cause of hate directed against the Jews. If a non Jew made the same statement as this rabbi it would be considered anti-Semitism according to the anti Semitism laws placed by the ADL in Italy with the assistance of Italian politicians Gianfranco Fini, Berlusconi and Frattini.The ADL cannot be sued as anti-Semitic and neither the rabbi who made the charges against the ADL.

So Catholic students who are faithful to Church teachings are discriminated against.

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