Monday, January 18, 2010

It’s a mystery!

Do you have freedom of worship in Pakistan? I was asked today morning.

‘Well. Yes we can go to Church that’s about all. There is more freedom of worship in Rome. But it is now also getting difficult here.'

‘Why in Rome?' asked the M.C Postulant from New Zealand.

Since I believe Jesus is the only Saviour of the world and outside the Church there is no salvation. Everyone needs to enter the Church with no exception to go to Heaven.

I received the expected, ‘Yes this is true. But…’ from Sr. Brenda, a Missionaries of Charity sister at the M.C Hospital in Rome.

"It’s a mystery of our faith", she concluded. This is the second sister who has referred to this issue as a mystery. A few months back it was a Franciscan Italian sister who lives at the Church of San Andrea della Fratte and works at Propaganda Fide.

Yet, when I was young this was not a mystery. Now it has become a mystery.
You can imagine how confused they are when they need not be.
Our faith is simple and clear.

They need mystery, when the truth is too frightening to speak out aloud. Last night Radio Vatican /Radio Maria reported that the Holy Father said Christians and Jews are people who believe in the same God.Of course! The Creator is one. No mystery here.

But for me it is no mystery that the Catholic Church teaches that all Jews in general need to convert to avoid Hell.

If Sr. Brenda said all Jews with no exception de facto have to enter the Catholic Church and that this  is the teaching of the Catholic Church she could get into trouble. Her Superior or someone up the line could get transferred or suspended. So now they call it a mystery.

Imagine Pope Benedict XVI affirming the ex- cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus at the synagogue yesterday.

Why did he not do it, is a mystery?

But when- is he ever, going to say it?

Millions of Jews are oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II, Pope Pius XII and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and yet about everybody is mysteriously silent about it?

This is a mystery of another kind. Not as serious on earth as the Sherlock and Watson type but it is about millions of people Jews, Muslims etc, going to their eternal DEATH according to Jesus, the Catholic Church and the Bible.

What would be the reaction- if the pope had said we have our belief in Jesus Christ  the Only Saviour of all mankind, and without Him and His Mystical Body the Catholic Church, there can be no salvation, for those who do not enter?
He of course would be referring to  many or most of the people present at the synagogue yesterday.

Would this be anti-Semitism according to the rabbis associated with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel?

Since this would mean the pope is saying that we must pray for the conversion of the Jews  and urge Jews to convert to avoid eternal suffering which they would choose by going to Hell.

Would the Chief Rabbinate again threaten to break relations with the Vatican?

The Holy Father said Jews and Christians (Catholics) believe in the same God according to Radio Vatican.

I believe in One, God, Three Persons, One with Yahweh the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God and man, one with Yahweh.

I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and the awaited Messiah of the Jews.

I believe in Jesus, God, outside whose Mystical Body the Catholic Church no Jew can be saved who does not de facto have the Baptism of water.

I believe in Jesus, God, who will Judge us on the Day of Judgement and send every informed Jew, who did not enter the Catholic Church, millions of them, to Hell.

This is our faith; this is the Catholic Faith,' the same yesterday, today and tomorrow’.

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