Sunday, January 17, 2010


In his first public appearance the leader of the national opposition party, Partitio Democratico, Dario Francheschini, visited the synagogue the Holy Father visits today, in an hour or so. Francheschini, who has been replaced by Bersani, in the Communist-Leftist party in Italy, said that he was there at the synagogue since it reflected the culture (new culture?) of Italy.

He meant in the words of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, ‘the culture of death’. Of abortion, euthanasia, AIDS through promiscuity and, scientifically confirmed rare diseases spread through homosexuality. It’s a culture that leads to eternal DEATH, where ‘the worm dieth not and the fire is never extinguished’.

The visit today of the Holy Father is to the same synagogue,one of more than 12 in Rome whose rabbi is Riccardo Segni.The expected visit was mentioned at Holy Mass yesterday evening at the Church Nostra Signora Causa di Leitizia, Rome. The young priest, who likes to wear jeans, said the visit to the synagogue would create accord and further dialogue between Jews and Catholics, without each of them trying to convert each other.Earlier he had said the Catholic Church does not just consist of those baptized within the Church as Catholics, but those who believe in Jesus. This, it may be mentioned, is the ecumenism being promoted by this synagogue and its supporters.

Today morning at the Church of San Bernadine, Grotte Celoni, the Parish Priest Fr. Mario said that we need to include all Christians in our concept of community.

The coincidental reference in these two churches indicates that they have got instructions from the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Italy (CEI) and/or the Vicariato in Rome.

Their message is proclaim Jesus- without the necessity of the Church.

This coincidently also happens to be a Masonic-New Age concept.

On Jan 10, the feast of the Baptism of Jesus the priest at San Andrea della Fratte at the seven a.m Sunday Mass said that we are all Sons of God and salvation is available for all. I listen attentively, knowing I wouldn’t be receiving the Eucharist; there was no mention of the necessity of baptism for salvation or the necessity of baptism in the Church to avoid Hell. The priest was implying, ecumenically, since baptism is valid in Christian communities and Churches, one could remain there and there was no need for Protestants and Orthodox Christians to convert.

The priest was denying

1) Pope John Paul II

2) Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7)

3) Pope Pius XII and the infallible dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The priests are probably rationalizing and sanctifying this heresy with the word ‘obedience’. I do not think that the priests have any particular allegiance to the synagogue. They just  would not like to be suspended.
It is obedience one must give up said St. Maximillian Kolbe, if  one has to accept heresy.

Dominus Iesus says we cannot separate Jesus from the Catholic Church. Neither can we separate the Kingdom of God from the Catholic Church.

Yet this is the aim of the forces associated with the synagogue which the Holy Father visits today evening, a visit which is pleasing to the enemies of the Church.

The aim of The Enemy is to have a ‘solidarity’ of all religions and Christian confessions, with watered down doctrines, who will be ripe to follow the False One, mentioned in 2 Thesalonians of the Bible. Cardinal Kaspar’s front page report in the L’Osservatore Romano shows he has a goal to meet and so Catholic theology is irrelevant.

We are in the end times says Our Lady of Revelation at Tre Fontane, Rome. We are in the times of the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

The Final Triumph will be hers. She will fight and destroy the Dragon, mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Our Lady and those faithful to Jesus and the teachings of the Church will welcome Our Lord, in his Second Coming.

For now the Masonic-Communist ideology dominates the secular newspapers in Italy. They support the synagogue in Rome which is throwing away traditional Judaic-Christian moral values and the understanding of God. The newspapers are also reporting military and political threats to the Vatican.

The Holy Father cannot meet Rabbis or visit synagogues who are faithful to the Ten Commandments of Moses and oppose the culture of death. This would be secretly opposed with threats by those who have reopened today’s ‘dialogue’ after objecting to the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews.
Dialogue has been resumed only because Cardinals Bertone, Bagnasco and Kaspar, members of the Vatican Curia, gave up Jesus’ command that Jews convert to avoid Hell. This is the relationship between Israel and a Vatican under siege and surrender. The Holy Father is under siege and Cardinals Bertone, Bagnasco and Kaspar are in a surrender-mode.

None of these threats were referred to last night by the Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican M.Levi in his interview with Radio Vatican. He presented a nice rosy picture of the pope in dialogue with the Jews. All Jews and not just the Jewish Left whom the synagogue represents.

This was the same positive picture presented by the priest yesterday in the church .The Gospel- according to the Corriera Della Serra and La Repubblica.

The positive note today is that Pope Pius XII is to be the subject of discussion. The Holy Father has taken Pope Pius XII to the last step before beatification. Pope Pius XII is very important for future evangelization and Catholic Mission. Since, as late as 1953 he affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, indicating that all Jews in Boston, USA with no exception, need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. Those who are saved implicitly in Boston would be known to God only.

This is a God-Send!

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