Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today morning I was at the tomb of St. Robert Bellarmine at the church Chiesa di San Ignazio, Rome and I was thinking how the Bellarmine Doctrine was the same as the Vatican Council II doctrine .Outside the Church there is no salvation.

Near by at another Jesuit Church off the Via del Corso those who meet on Sunday mornings for Holy Mass reject this teaching of St. Robert Bellarmine and Vatican Council II.

They reject a dogma and teaching on salvation which every Catholic needs to believe in. The priest offers Mass there denying the Faith. There are not only Jesuits offering Mass here at the Church San Francesco Xavier in Caravita but also priests from other communities.

They will probably pray for Christian Unity without saying that non Catholics, Christians, are on the way to Hell. This is the Vatican Council II doctrine.

Protestants, Evangelicals, Orthodox Christians do not have Catholic Faith , which includes the interpretation of the Gospel according to the Catholic Church, even though they are baptized with the baptism of water. They are heretics and schismatics (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence).

It is not enough to believe in Jesus one also has to do the Will of God the Father and enter the Catholic Church (CCC 845).-Lionel Andrades

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