Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have been sent a link saying that Bishop Kevin Rhoades affirms the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church.

 In the four points mentioned in this link Bishop Rhoades says he believes that Christ established a new eternal covenant through his own death and resurrection. There are no two covenants one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles. Since Jesus is the only Saviour and saved all though his Body the Church. Salvation is possible for all through the grace of Jesus.The bishop does not say that Judaism is not a path to salvation and that Jews need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. He could be implying that  all are saved through Jesus. All Jews are saved in general in their religion through Jesus and the Catholic Church and so there is no need to convert.

In the second point he repeats the same message and says that he does not believe anyone can reach heaven without the mediation of Jesus Christ. Again he could imply that all Jews are saved in their religion through the mediation of Jesus Christ.

In the third point he says that he does not believe that the Jewish People can be saved by their own covenant apart from Jesus Christ. Again he denies the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Dominus Iesus 20 etc. He refuses to say that Jews need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.

In the fourth point he says he believes that the Church is called to bring the Gospel to all people. The Church’s missionary activity he says must be marked for the peoples of other religions and their religious freedom. This of course would preclude the need for them to convert or are our asking them to do so, out of respect for them.

This is a classic denial of the Catholic Faith by Bishop Kevin Rhoades the present bishop of Fort Wayne Bend, Indiana.

Bishop Kevin Rhoades is unable to say that Jews need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation (to avoid Hell). He still maintains vaguely that Jesus is necessary for salvation. So one can believe that invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are the ordinary means of salvation and so Jews do not have to convert into the Catholic Church.They are saved in general through Jesus and the Church is the lie. The ordinary means of salvation is not invincible ignorance etc but Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.(LG 14, AG 7).

Bishop Rhoades could not even answer something as basic as ‘Are non Catholic religions paths to salvation? ’ (Dominus Iesus 20, CDF, Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J).

Then there is the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, thrice defined. He still cannot affirm it in public and secondly considers those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire as possible exceptions to the dogma. This would mean that the baptism of desire is visible and so an exception to the dogma and that we know of explicit cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance. One could phone or meet them.

This is the heresy of Cushingism. It was Cardinal Richard Cushing, Archbishop of Boston who said that there was salvation outside the church implying that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are explicitly known to us, for them to be exceptions to the dogma.

There were also three points asked of  Bishop Kevin Rhoades,Michael Forrest and others. They posted these three questions on the blog Robert Sungenis and the Jews but never answered them.

1) Does the Catholic Church teach that non Catholic religions, Hindus, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam etc are not paths to salvation (to go to Heaven and avoid Hell)? YES

2) Does the Catholic Church teach that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people in general, barring the exceptions (invincible ignorance etc ) for salvation? YES

3) When you meet a non Catholic can you tell him or her that he or she needs Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell? YES

Scott Hahn and Daphne McLeod have answered  yes, to these three questions.
-Lionel Andrades

Will Bishops Allen Vigneron and Kevin Rhoades give permission for a website against Michael Vorris?

Questions for the Canon Lawyers :Can Archbishop Allen Vigneron and Bishop Kevin Rhoades be considered Catholic if they refuse to affirm in public the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

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