Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Canon Law 915 is not to be applied to anyone of them, the religious or Barbara Johnson.
The priest who refused to give the Eucharist to a lesbian woman in mortal sin has been deprived of his priestly faculties and she is to continue to receive the Eucharist at Mass.

No statement is expected from Cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. Since the Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl also gives the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians. This has been known to the Vatican before he was made a cardinal.

According to Ecclesia di Eucarestia of Pope John Paul II a Catholic in public mortal sin is not to receive the Eucharist.

The pro- abortion politicians like the lesbian Barbara Johnson 51 is to be given the Eucharist in the Archdiocese. They can all receive the Eucharist from the Archbishop, one of the religious or lay Eucharistic ministers. The Vatican has not said yet that those who give the Eucharist to the pro abortion politicians or Barbara Johnson are also in grave sin.

Canon Law 915 is not to be applied to anyone of them, the religious or Barbara Johnson.

According to Veritatis Splendor, Pope John Paul II’s encyclical on moral theology the outward action indicates the inner intention. This is contrary to the liberal moral theology of Fr. Bernard Haring and Fr. Charles Curran. They say that we can never know the intention or motivation of a person so there could be a Fundamental Option for the good. In this way they right off all mortal sin. Veritatis Splendor specifically rejects the Fundamental Option Theory.

Veritatis Splendor says that a mortal sin is a mortal sin indicating that the Catholic Church has not changed its Biblical and traditional understanding of sin.

The lesbian is in public mortal sin and the archdiocese has not made an announcement that she is not to receive the Eucharist.

According to the cardinal–archbishop he would only deny the Eucharist to a Catholic excommunicated. This is relativism within the Church.

I had a Spiritual Director at the Beda Pontifical College, Rome who would say that only hatred of God is a mortal sin. So for him this lesbian could not be in mortal sin. For another priest, more liberal than the Archbishop, even hatred of God could be questioned ‘since we do not know the motivation of a person’. Others could wonder why the archbishop makes an exception for those excommunicated.

If the lesbian is deprived of the Eucharist under existing laws in the USA could she claim being discriminated and ask for millions of dollars as compensation from the archdiocese? Other parishioners could do the same and it could lead to bankruptcy?

What will happen if a bishop or cardinal refuses to give the Eucharist to a homosexual or pro abortion figure ?. Will he be removed as bishop or cardinal, his faculties taken away, to prevent charges from the homosexual lobby demanding financial compensation?

The Archdiocese has issued a public announcement that the priest who refused to give her the Eucharist has been placed on administration leave. Since he is not an incardinated priest he may not be welcomed back.He could rightly again refuse to give the Eucharist to the lesbian woman.

The archdiocese has not clarified, and neither has Cardinal Levada, that the lesbian is in mortal sin. She has not denied in public her sinful life. Yet demands that she be given the Eucharist. If the Archdiocese considers her to be in mortal sin it would mean the bishops, priests and Eucharistic ministers are participating in this sinful action by giving her the Eucharist.

The Archbishop also allows Fr.Peter C.Phan to celebrate Holy Mass in the archdiocese and teach there.

Many of the U.S bishops have been giving the Eucharist with full knowledge to pro abortion politicians. The cardinal archbishop being one of them.

Now in public the Eucharist is not being denied to Barbara Johnson. It is suggested that not only God can judge the motivation of a person but we also can do the same. So we can judge and do away with the traditional teaching.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church mentions three conditions for a mortal sin. The three conditions are to be used in judgement by God and not us humans. It does not mean that we can reject Church teaching on homosexuality, lesbianism etc and assume that we cannot judge the person. This itself is a judgement. Who gives us this right? It is only God who can judge and the church says that homosexuality is a mortal sin.

Practising homosexuals have been receiving the Eucharist at Holy Mass in Soho, London. The diocese may deny that they are practising homosexuals and lesbians. In the case of Barbara Johnson she has flaunted in public her sinful life and has not denied it.She demands that she be given the Eucharist as if it is her right. The Archdiocese of Washington has clarified vaguely that no one has the ‘right’ to receive the Eucharist.

The sacrilege is to continue however with no one claiming that the archbishop is in grave sin for giving her the Eucharist. Even the lesser of two evils –is evil.-Lionel Andrades

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