Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The Santo Spirito hospital in Rome offers birth control and abortion services.

I once walked into the hospital, a few years back, and spoke to the nurse in charge. She told me if there was a case of a woman pregnant and the pregnancy needed to be terminated to bring the women to the hospital. She said for late pregnancies the hospital would refer the case to another medical centre.

I told her that I was there only to give her some anti abortion information and was against abortion.

The hospital is situated near the Vatican.Why have a hospital named after the Holy Spirit when they facilitate abortions ? Fetus’ are probably killed here and then thrown away as garbage.-Lionel Andrades


This part of Rome is called the Borgo Santo Spirito after the Ospedale di Santo Spirito, the oldest hospital in the city.

It dates back to the year 727 when Ina, the Saxon King, had it built in order to offer aid and assistance to pilgrims from his realm. At the first reconstruction in 1204, Pope Innocent III gave it to the Order of the Holy Spirit to manage.

This order was founded in France by Guy de Montpellier. The hospital was completely restructured by Baccio Pontelli, who was commissioned by Sixtus IV in the 15th century. Because the pope worked with Pontelli on so many other projects, he became known as the first Renaissance Pope.

The Sistine Ward, a wing that extends into Borgo Santo Spirito for 120 meters, was built in a brick curtain. The portico with its octagonal pillars was walled up in the 17th century. The octagonal tiburium divides the ward into 2 rooms, the Sala Lancisi and the Sala Baglivi, both covered in frescoes in the 15th century by Umbrian artists. This center chamber is comprised of alternating double and triple paned windows.

The hospital was conceived as an autonomous civic institution, subject only to the Pope's authority. Following the Liber Regulae, the oldest set of clinical rules that exist, the hospital looked after the sick, the infirm, and the abandoned. The revolving wheel, on which abandoned new-born babies were left, guaranteed anonymity. Although it is the only one still remaining in Rome, it no longer operates.

The American Holocaust: A big truck full of dead babies.

In the USA aborted babies are killed and transported like waste.
There are over a hundred thousand legal abortions in Italy every year.

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