Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It was good to see Buddhist monks participating in a predominantly Catholic walk for life on Sunday morning. Cardinal Raymond Burke was there and also the Mayor of Rome.

Participants included Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Il Timone and Militia Christi who are clear on Catholic doctrine with respect to other religions and salvation. The Church tells us that they are all lost and there are no known exceptions. On social issues however we can all work together, especially on pro life issues.

It reminds me of Bishop Richard Williamson saying he was not anti Semitic .He once invited a Jewish Rabbi , to speak to seminarians when he was the Rector at the Society of St.Pius X  seminary in Argentina.(I hope it was an orthodox Rabbi).

On Sunday there was an Il Timone contingent and a big Militia Christi group which held the rear end of the march. Before the big procession began to move, members’ of the Militia Christ knelt on the road in front of the Colisieum and Mons Ignacio Barreiro gave them his blessing. By the time I took the camera out of my pocket it was over.

There were a few Muslim there too. Muslims in Rome are sympathetic to this issue. I once held a card board carton   with coloured abortion pictures pasted on it. Muslim passers by, outside the Santo Spirito in Sassia hospital, near the Vatican would approve in solidarity.

The pictures were from the website of the Center for Bio Ethical Reform and Fr. Frank Pavone's website.These pictures are now prohibited in Canada and other countries where leftist ‘liberal’ laws are being implemented.When you see these pictures you understand what abortion is. Before that I had a vague, stupid idea of what it was.

Mothers passing by the hospital would gasp and distract the children. People on the public buses would stare and point out to the board with a look of horror.One lady came up to me and said in a quiet voice that those were not abortion pictures. She had four abortions and they were not like this.Other mothers cried.One lady saw the board and told me she regrets losing her son in an abortion.

I was prohibited from carrying the ‘mostra’ (exhibition) into some of the churches here. At the public libraries I could not ‘park’ the board unless I turned it around and hid the pictures.

The abortion laws in Italy show the need for the non separation of Church and State.Secularism and State should be separated. The secular laws are a foreign culture, an evil one, being imposed on the people. Over 1, 30,000 babies are killed in abortion every year in Italy and the media gives more attention to the Jewish holocaust years back. Hate against pro lifers and all that is good is the political ideology today in the name of hate.

Those who affirm the Catholic Faith have their websites targeted and jobs threathened. While the laws permit pornography, immodesty and promiscuity which results in an increase in abortions. The present suffering in society exists, since legally, Jesus is not the centre of all legislation and it is replaced by evil laws called secular and liberal.
-Lionel Andrades

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