Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Cardinal Kurt Koch says the SSPX will have to accept Vatican Council and accept dialogue with the Jews first before recognition.

They are demanding that the SSPX should recognize Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II. Nostra Aetate 4 is an issue of dispute since it says that the Church is the new people of God. Catholics are the Chosen People of God.

Nostra Aetate also does not contradict Ad Gentes 7 which says all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation. This includes Jews.

Nowhere in Nostra Aetate is it said that Jews do not have to convert into the Church or that Jews are saved in general in their religion.

The Catholic Vice-President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Thierse, a member of the SPD party and the Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken (the central Committee of German Catholics) it is reported has spent four days in Rome to meet various representatives of the Holy See leadership, starting with Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews.

In a series of interviews with the German media, he explained that the Society of St. Pius X must recognise the Magisterium’s authority and therefore that of the Second Vatican Council. There are two sensitive points on which the Vatican has apparently shown no hesitation or reserve, that is, relations with the Jews and the recognition of religious freedom.

He did not say or did not know that the SSPX is in agreement with the text of Vatican Council II and the teachings of the past popes including Pope John Paul II. (Dominus Iesus 20, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 etc). They are also asking for recognition of their right to religious freedom and to live their Catholic Faith according to Vatican Council II in accord with Tradition.

Cardinal Koch stressed it is reported that the Vatican cannot fight for human rights on a global level and then “embrace a group for whom religious freedom is still the focal point of a dispute.” “These are essential issues on which the Vatican will not give in,” he concluded.

It needs to be mentioned that the SSPX and all Catholics are demanding the religious freedom to affirm Vatican Council II knowing that invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire and being saved with a good conscience are not exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the thrice defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The report said that despite receiving reassurance, the Jewish world (meaning Jewish Left) still seems concerned about a potential reconciliation it is reported.

This seems a Jewish Left threat to Catholic freedom of worship. It is telling Catholics what they should believe in and what is approved by Talmud Jews.

Last week, Israel’s chief Ashkenazi rabbi, Yona Metzger the report said reiterated that the Vatican should not sign any agreement until Lefebvrian prelates “have changed their mind” about Nostra Aetate and relations with Jews. “It seems only natural – he said – that all leaders of the Catholic Church should respect the Vatican’s decisions.” A similar appeal came about a month or so ago from European rabbis and the U.S.’s Anti-Defamation League.

Long before Nostra Aetate Jesus asked us to love all people including Jews. He also asked Catholics to speak the truth. This would include preaching the truth to those who have created leftist diversity laws but cannot extend these laws to Catholics and their right to interpret the Council according to the text and Tradition.

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