Saturday, July 28, 2012

BISHOP RICHARD WILLIAMSON IS READY TO JOIN ROME 'if the pope was in line with Tradition'.

Situation is hopeful after the SSPX communique July 19, 2012 (1)

The ball is in the Vatican court. Can they acknowledge that we do not know the dead-saved so Vatican Council Ii is a traditional document with traditional values on other religions, ecumenism, ecclesiology, evangelization etc ?

After the July 19 communique for the first time ever the Society of St.Pius X is able to say that there is one rational interpretation of Vatican Council II for all Catholics including the SSPX and which can be supported with citations from the Council texts.

If the Vatican Curia does not want to accept it they cannot expect the SSPX and all Catholics to believe that we know the dead saved who are supposed to be explicit, known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation and to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.(2)

The next move is that of Bishop Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, President and Vice President of Ecclesia Dei.

During this summer Catholics should write to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asking them to clarify :-

1) Do we know  people dead and now saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience?

2) So how can they be explicit exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

3) Is there anything in Vatican Council which contradicts the dogma on outside the church no salvation ?

4) Does not the SSPX affirm Vatican Council II according to Tradition and the dogma through their communique?

Why cannot the Franciscans, Carmelities and Salesians affirm Vatican Council II according toTradition and the dogma?

The Vatican Curia is up against a wall trying to disprove that Vatican Council II is not in accord with the literal interpretation of the dogma and the SSPX communique.

To apear rational and sane,over the we-can-see-the-dead- issue, Rome, the Vatican, has to choose the traditional path once again. Since Catholics in general are not going to accept this non-sense of seeing ghosts saved with implicit desire and a good conscience.

The ball is now in the Vatican court. In case they don't know, Catholics should give them a reminder.
On the video SSPX Archbishop Lefebvre and Rome Part 3 Bishop Richard Williams has said that he is willing to join Rome if Pope Benedict was in line with Tradition. (18:23). He said that "we are right because we are line with the Church of the centuries and not the SSPX' .(13:20) .( )
If the issue of the dead-but-visible people is sorted out, Vatican Council II becomes once again a traditonal document and there is the hope of Bishop Richard Williamson entering the Church and being satisfied with doctrine.-Lionel Andrades

This is why its seems to us opportune to reaffirm our faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation and no possibility of finding the means that lead to it; in its monarchical constitution, willed by Our Lord, which means that the supreme power of governance over the whole Church belongs to the pope alone, the Vicar of Christ on earth; in the universal kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of the natural and supernatural order, to whom every human being and all society must submit. - SSPX Communique July 19, 2012(emphasis added).

Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door.-Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II

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