Saturday, July 28, 2012


Threat to the Archbishops of Washington and Sydney's theological 'novelties'.

A Catholic priest in Sydney and Washington are resisting the Catholic Church going back to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and are refusing to say that we do not know the dead-saved. They are refusing to say on their blogs that in general we cannot see the dead, now in Heaven. They are not visible to us is something  we take for a fact but not Fr. Joe Jenkins pastor of Holy Family Church, Mitchellville, MD in the Archdiocese of Washington, DC and Fr.John George a retired priest in the Archdiocese of Sydney who writes on the blog True Catholic.

If they say they obvious, that we cannot see in heaven those who have died naturally, there are theological implications so they don't want to take a chance.

It is difficult for them to accept the traditional teaching that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell and there no known exceptions. So they will not say in communication on the Internet that we cannot see the deceased who are saved in invincible ignorance etc.

Fr.Joe Jenkins on a blog post of the BLOGGER PRIEST mentions that not all non Catholics are definitely oriented to Hell but only 'those who know'. Those who who do not know about Jesus and the Church are oriented to Heaven. Yes of course - but he and I do not know who these cases are. It is God who will judge and make a distinction. The de fide teaching is that all are oriented to Hell with Original Sin and mortal sins and with no access to the Sacraments.They need to enter the Church to benefit from Jesus' Sacrifice for them.(Dominus Iesus 20).If we knew any case on earth; any visible case, then we could say that not all need to enter the church but only those who know.

There may not be a single case in 2012 saved in invincible ignorance but we accept in principle that it is possible ,known to God, that there could be people saved in invincible ignorance.This is not contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction since the dejure(implicit) knowing that there can be exceptions does not contradict with the defacto(explicit) knowing that there are not any and we cannot know of any.

If Fr.Jenkins claims to know who is saved , who 'knows' then there is a contradiction with  the dogma on exclusive salvation and also Ad Gentes 7 which states all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.So he suggests that we know these cases, visible to him.

Then Fr.Jenkins says that the Holy Office 1949 condemned Fr.Leonard Feeney for rejecting the baptism of desire. It is not a de fide teaching that the baptism of desire is visible to us and that these these cases are known to us in some way. Pope Benedict XVI could announce that we do not know any person saved with implicit desire and so this is not an exception to Fr. Leonard Feeney. The misunderstanding would be removed for all Catholics. He could correct the error.

 Fr.Joe Jenkins and Fr.John George would then hopefully say that we do not know cases saved with the baptism of desire, people who are dead but allegedly visible to us.-Lionel Andrades


  1. I did not give permission to post my photo. You also did not correctly report about what we discussed. I quoted the Popes and the Council. You repeated slogans. You initiated this discussion at my blogs. I really have no desire to be associated with you or your site. I would ask you to remove the photo. Thank You.

  2. The photo is from the public domain.When people do not want their photos copied there is a system for blocking it from being copied.

    I can also quote the popes and the Council and you will not post it in the discussion.

    I initiated it and you ended it. There was no discussion.

    You still have not denied that we cannot see non Catholics dead and who are saved.

    You can see the dead saved who are execptions to the dogma and to Ad Gentes 7 ?
