Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SSPX should expose the secret of the visible dead theory in the Vatican-SSPX talks

Bishop Richard Williamson says Bishop Bernard Fellay should not have allowed the doctrinal talks to be confidential.He thinks the doctrinal talks were secret because Rome had a lot to hide.

On the video SSPX Archbishop Lefebvre & Rome Part 7 the English bishop said that when it comes down to doctrine the Society is in the driving seat and not Rome. He said Bishop Bernard Fellay should not have allowed the discussions to be confidential.

"Normally Rome is in the driving seat since it is the Supreme Authority but if you have the truth and Rome does not have the the truth, the truth is in the driving seat." ( 31:57)

I agree the discussions should have been made public but the Vatican side would simply cite Vatican Council II and assume the dead are visible and then provide citations from the Council. The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) would assume this is the teaching of Vatican Council II and then go back to rejecting the Council.

The SSPX would repeat  that this is not the traditional teaching of the Church and not point the error of the visible dead, the source of this non traditional interpretation.

We can see this on the videos in which Bishop Williamson says Vatican Council II is modernist, confused and it rejects the traditional teaching of the popes. He is correct this interpretation  of Vatican Council II is modernist and heretical. So what the SSPX bishop says is rational and correct.

However if he used a different premise, then the interpretation of the Council would change. His view would still be rational and correct.

The wrong principle he is using in this analysis on the videos is that of knowing the dead, he assumes that the dead are visible.

This was the premise used by the Vatican team ,Cardinal Luiz Ladaria and Bishop Charles Morerod , in the doctrinal talks.

Bishop Bernard Fellay could  expose the doctrinal errors in the Vatican-SSPX talks and point out that we do not know a single person who is saved implicitly and who is an exception to the dogma  outside the church there is no salvation mentioned in the SSPX communique (July 19, 2012).


We cannot have a theology of religions since Vatican Council II says outside the church there is no salvation. Vatican Council II does not cite any explicit exception.There is  no known case of a non Catholic saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience (LG 16) or elements of sanctification (LG 8). So LG 16 and LG 8 cannot be cited as an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation.

If Bishop Richard Williams would use the premise  that we cannot see the dead saved Vatican Council II would open up before him as a traditional Council, just like Trent.However hard to believe, it is simple. He just has to try it.

This error originated in the 1940's in Boston and it should have been corrected at that time.It's the Richard Cushing heresy of the visible baptism of desire.-Lionel Andrades

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