Wednesday, August 1, 2012


We were all not in unity yesterday evening at Mass held at the Chiesa del Gesù, Rome on the feast day of St.Ignatius of Loyola. The Superior General of the Jesuits was the main celebrant and of course there was the Profession of Faith on which we disagreed.

I believe in the Catholic Church it was intoned by the Church soprano but the Jesuits don't believe in the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation. The Jesuits at this Church do not believe in the fires of Hell.They do not believe that there are millions of people oriented to Hell since they reject the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church. The Vice Rector of this Church where lies the body of St.Ignatius of Loyola, says the Church is not the ordinary means of salvation . Since according to him, the natives in Goa, the former Portuguese colony, would have been saved in invincible ignorance even if St.Francis Xavier did not go there.

"I believe in one holy Catholic Catholic Church" . We all answered in the  affirmative in Italian, even the Superior General.

It was the Jesuit Superior in Boston who removed a priest from their Congregation who was faithful to the teachings of the Church .He believed in the necessity of the Church for the salvation of all people with no known exceptions.

Yesterday evening during the long entrance processional of the Jesuits if I would ask a few of them "Does every one need to enter the Church for salvation like St.Ignatius of Loyola and St.Francis Xavier taught?" They would have said no the Church is always not needed. Some may agree with me.

"Why not? "

"Since a non Catholic can be saved in invincible ...."

"We do not know any such person", I would say.

"No of course not!" they would answer.

"Then how can there be exceptions to the dogma?"

There will be no answer.

Others say: No we don't know anyone saved in these exceptional cases but this is the teaching of the Church .This is what the Church teaches! The elderly Jesuit priest who chooses the Confessional near the sacristy, says the same. The Rector at the Jesuit seminary next door says the same.So does the Italian Vice Rector of the basilica.

They have been visited by the Jesuit who is the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican  and he says the same. He even gives reasons in the International Theological Commission's  Christianity and the World Religions (1997).What is the reason for this change from the teaching of St.Ignatius Loyola? He writes the change comes from the case of the ex Jesuit in Boston Fr.Leonard Feeney.

This is the Company of Jesus today,the great Jesuits, the pride of the Church once admired for their education and missionary spirit.

One day in Boston they agreed, along with the Archbishop, to change our understanding of Church, for them self and for all of us.

Yesterday their Profession of Faith and the Nicene Creed was  meaningless.Since the Jesuit understanding of Church assumes that there are known exceptions to the dogma, that there are people saved who are still visible on earth. These visible-dead are exceptions to the teaching of St.Ignatius of Loyola on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

If one uses the Jesuit premise of the visible dead naturally one has to come up with with different versions of the Creed and the Profession of Faith. There will be a new version of Vatican Council II. New doctrines will replace old dogmas.

So the Vice rector says the Church does not teach the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and it was relevant for the time of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier. Now they have the visible baptism of desire. The visible dead - who contradict the Jesuits missionaries of the past.

The Jesuits are all for justice in Colombia, Latin American,Africa past present and future. There justice is still awaited in Boston. An injustice was done to the Jesuit priest Leonard Feeney. We don't know anyone saved with the baptism of desire. The baptism of desire is irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma outside the church no salvation.

So there was a false Profession of Faith made yesterday by the Jesuits.It is not our Faith that there are visible cases of the dead on earth who are exceptions to a defined teaching.This is not the Deposit of the Faith. The Creed says ' I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' and it does not imply that there are three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sin.I believe in the holy Catholic Church means I believe in the Church outside of which there is no salvation and no known possibilities of salvation. I believe in the Holy Spirit means it is the Holy Spirit which still guides the Church after Vatican Council II to teach the same concept of salvation as St.Ignatius of Loyola.-Lionel Andrades

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