Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fr.Joe Jenkins is saying that only they could not be saved who aware, who ‘know’ and yet do not enter.This would include the leading non Catholics in Washington who are educated and informed.LG 14 indicates they are damned unless they convert.

I noticed the blog post of Fr.Joe Jenkins where I asked :

Similarly when Ad Gentes 7 says that all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation we do not know any exceptions. None. Would you agree?

No he would not.


No, this is not what Ad Gentes says. While affirming the role of Christ and his Church, we also read: “‘Therefore those men cannot be saved, WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it.’

Fr.Joe Jenkins is saying that only they could not be saved who aware, who ‘know’ and yet do not enter.This would include the leading non Catholics in Washington who are educated and informed.LG 14 indicates they are damned unless they convert.

Father Joe will not accept that all non Catholics with no exception need to enter the Church.

Why? Does he know those who 'know' and those who 'do not know 'who are saved or going to be saved? Can he judge ?

The principal teaching of Ad Gentes 7 is that 'all need faith and baptism' for salvation. This is the ordinary way.All means all. We cannot judge and say this person knows and this person does not know and so this is the ordinary means of salvation.

So Fr.Joe does not agree that all need catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation and this is the ordinary means to Heaven according to the Church.

Instead he says:

Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6),
So does it mean that the person who is invincibly ignorant and saved is known to us and so an exception to 'all need faith and baptism' ? We do not know any invincible ignorance case saved. So why mention it as an exception? Why imply it is an exception?

Fr.Joe says :

The person who is aware that Jesus is God and that he instituted the Catholic Church as the true Church for our salvation must by necessity join that Church. But this leaves open the situation of ignorance of those who have not arrived at this truth.
So there could be a person who is ignorant and this would only be known to Jesus who  would judge who knows and who was ignorant. Jesus will also judge knowing that the ordinary means of salvation according to His teaching and that of His Church was Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.

Fr.Joe says.

When it comes to Ad Gentes 7, you must not omit the words, “WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD.”
The dogma and Ad Gentes 7 says all need Catholic Faith, all need to convert. It was Richard Cushing, Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits who assumed that those in ignorance were exceptions to the dogma and that we knew these cases for them to be exceptions. So they made the distinction between those who know and those who are in ignorance.

We know this is a new doctrine and irrational. We do not know who is saved in invincible ignorance so it does not contradict the dogma.Neither are we aware of who 'knows' about the Church .If there is such an exception the final decision is with God. We cannot judge.This was the error of Richard Cushing. He assumed that we could judge who is saved in ignorance.

So “WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD.”does not contradict Ad Gentes 7 when it says all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation. Vatican Council II does not contradict itself.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Father Joe said from Quotation exchange with Lionel:

    " FATHER JOE says:

    No, this is not what Ad Gentes says. While affirming the role of Christ and his Church, we also read: “‘Therefore those men cannot be saved, WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."

    I would say to Father Joe that it is your job description as a priest to help lead and teach as many souls as possible to obtain Salvation before you die. For Father Joe there is absolutely no chance of Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. it is Father Joe's responsibility to teach to EVERYONE that he encounters that there is No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church, even the ones that he may think have Invincible Ignorance stitched on to their shirt. Even if he thinks they are nice people but not Catholic. If Father teaches this doctrine and bedrock of our Faith to all , his spare time in trying to explain away our Catholic faith will be minimized or eliminated. If Father explains our faith with vigor and passion then all people that He encounters will "know" that the Catholic Church is the One, and only true Apostolic Church. If they do not accept this fact now that they 'know it' Father will have done the will of God and those encounters and efforts that he has made will be judged individually before God at each souls lives end. Teach the faith Father and leave the unknown possible mercies to God alone.
