Sunday, August 26, 2012


Last Friday I had the feeling at evening Mass that the priest had read some of these blog posts in which his community was mentioned. He looked at me during the homily and in a kind tone said proclaiming the Gospel is important and we proclaim the Gospel when we announce Christ in the Church, this is the Good News, this is the New Evangelisation.

I wanted to speak to him after Holy Mass but was distracted by another priest who spoke to me while I was leaving .

I wanted to tell the priest who gave the homily that this was not really the Gospel since all the other priests are announcing Jesus as the Saviour and they are presenting their homilies in the Church. However they mean all who are saved in other religions are saved through Jesus and so the non Catholics  do not have to enter the Church, they do not have to be in the Church for salvation.

This is the familiar Jesus without the Church.

This priest on Friday was also not saying that Jesus is the only Saviour of the world and for salvation every one needs to enter Catholic Church the Mystical body of Jesus outside of which there is no salvation. This is what the Bible says.

He could not say this since like the other priests of his community he believes Vatican Council II says there is salvation outside the Church. The Catechism says God is not limited to the Sacraments.No where does Vatican Council II say there is salvation outside the Church contradicting the dogma. Neither are those saved without the Sacraments a contradiction of the dogmatic teaching that every one needs to convert into the Church for salvation. We do not know any one saved without the Sacraments. So it is not relevant to the dogma.

So in the homily we were not listening to a presentation of the Gospel.This was not  how St.Maximillian Kolbe presented the Gospel or wrote about it.In the 1930's St.Maximillian was not affected by the Richard Cushing  Error which emerged in the 1940's.

This priest was probably protecting himself like the other priests who do not want to proclaim the Gospel and create a controversy for themself.

So they will politely talk about Jesus being the only Saviour.Meanwhile the Congregation knows that every one does not need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation. Others are saved in general in their religions by Jesus.The priest is not going to correct this error.

He was presenting Jesus without the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so he lost perspective. He lost the faith and was presenting the politically approved Gospel on a vague understanding of Jesus which would offend no one in Rome.

Jesus says to go out and proclaim the Good News, he who believes will be saved and he who does not will be condemned. He who does not believe will be condemned.(Mk.16:16)

The priest could have said that Jesus is the unique Saviour in a unique Church and all people need to believe in Jesus, learn the Catholic  Faith faith get baptised with water and enter and remain in this Church for salvation.There is salvation in no other religion or Christian community or Church.

This is the Gospel as it was presented over the centuries,guided by the Holy Spirit.
-Lionel Andrades

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