Tuesday, August 7, 2012


'The papacy must return to the faith and then the Society (SSPX) returns to the papacy said Father Chazal.'I was ordained to follow the Church. It is the truth which causes unity.If authority has the faith then you obey the faith.

'The office of the priesthood is to defend the faith.The highest obedience is to the faith. We are praying that Rome converts and becomes pure white', says Fr. Chazal in War On, Against SSPX-Rome Deal.

Fr. Chazal thinks there cannot be reconciliation in the present time because the doctrinal rift is too wide.

Fr. Chazal like Bishop Richard Williamson assumes that the Faith includes affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors which is contradicted by Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc).

Since LG 16 says there can be non Catholics saved who have not had the Gospel preached to them or who follow their conscience, they assume that this is the ordinary means of salvation or that these cases are visible to us and so contradict the dogma and the Syllabus of Pope Pius IX.

Yet no text in Vatican Council II mentions this. The texts acknowledge that non Catholics can be saved who have not had the Gospel preached to them etc but the text does not state that these cases are known to us or are exceptions to the dogma or the Syllabus. The text does not have to state anything since it is obvious that we cannot see those who are dead, for them to be exceptions.

Pope Benedict assumed that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was relevant for only the time in the past since he believed, it seems, that those who are saved in invincible ignorance are  known to us. Since they are known to us, for him,they are exceptions to the dogma and the Syllabus.

In other words, we can see the visible dead saved as ‘exceptions’ to the traditional teaching.Since we can see these spectres, ghosts, the dogmatic teachings it was assumed have been replaced.

So there is hope that once this error is identified Rome will come back to Tradition. Since they cannot go on suggesting that we know non Catholics saved who are ‘good and holy’ (Nostra Aetate), as if we can telephone or fax these persons on earth. Neither can they keep saying that conscience is supreme and those with a good conscience (LG 16) can be saved as if these cases are visible to us, we could meet them on the street, and so they contradict the dogma and Syllabus.

So over time Fr. Chazal can make these corrections in the SSPX and see that the bishops and cardinals at the Vatican also understand it.

The SSPX Chapter Communiqué (July 19, 2012) has clarified that there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So this is a giant step in the uniting all the traditionalists and hopefully bringing Rome back to tradition on this issue, sooner then we think.

Once this error is removed Vatican Council II is no more modernist. It is the liberals and the dissenters who would have to rebel against Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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