Monday, August 6, 2012


Today afternoon I was in the little 12th century church where the incorrupt body of St. Vincent Palotti lies.

I then went to the Congregation’s house opposite the Ponte Sesto Bridge over the Tiber River. There was a German priest there, a Palotti Father with whom I spoke.I thought that the Catholic Church today still accepted the saints teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus in its magisterial texts even after Vatican Council II.The priest did not agree with me.

Why? What is the citation or new Revelation that accounts for this change?

He did not know. He just said this was not what the Church teaches. He called it "a mystery".

He would not say it is a new doctrine but a ‘new, deeper understanding of doctrine’.

What is the basis for this new deeper  understanding? With no reference texts different priests would come to different conclusions. Each of them could say it’s a new deeper understanding. He laughed often and said it was a mystery.

The English Palotti Fathers along with the English Pontifical seminaries in Rome  are teaching errors her in courses on ecumenism etc.They cite Ut Unum Sint of Pope John Paul II but never mention that it says Christian communities must accept the pope and enter the Catholic Church.

These versions of Vatican Council II or the Faith should be rejected in which the priest cannot provide any citations from the  Council or Church texts.These Congregations even reject the teachings of the founders of their community, like St. Vincent Palotti.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. The Palotti Father said:
    " He did not know. He just said this was not what the Church teaches. He called it "a mystery".

    He would not say it is a new doctrine but a ‘new, deeper understanding of doctrine."

    The good Father should lay prostrate before the tabernacle and pray for the help and guidance of the Blessed Trinity.

    Doctrine can NEVER contradict
    Doctrine. It can be developed but only in the sense that we better understand that particular article of Faith more fully. No mysteries of confusion,for confusion is a tool used by satan.
