Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Archbishop Muller says that there is no need for Protestants to convert - John Vennari

Last September Archbishop Muller went to a Lutheran Church and gave a joint blessing with the Lutheran ‘bishop’ says John Vennari.
Archbishop Muller has brought in the new ecumenical theology of Vatican Council II . Even though this teaching cannot be explicitly found in the text of Vatican Council II. The orientation that came from it is that the non Catholic need not convert into the Catholic Faith for salvation.

John Vennari speaking on “Voice of Catholic Radio” said that Bishop Muller wrote his doctoral dissertation under Cardinal Karl Lehman .Lehman taught that the anathemas of the Council of Trent only applied to the Lutherans of those days.It doesn’t apply now.

Bishop Muller is of that progressivist school of Lehman and he wrote his doctoral dissertation under Fr.Lehman. St.Pius X warned against modernist teachers.The students are formed according to the pattern of their masters.

With this background we can understand Bishop Muller and why he will teach things different from  what the Church teaches said Vennari.

The new orientation of Vatican now says that we approach Protestants now kind of like equals, that we no longer try to convert them. Conversion of the non Catholic is replaced with conversion with the non Catholics. So he will go along with that as well.

Muller says that there is no need for Protestants to convert .

He has bought in the new ecumenical theology of Vatican Council II . Even though this teaching cannot be explicitly found in the text of Vatican Council II. The orientation that came from it is that the non Catholic need not convert into the Catholic Faith for salvation.

In September 2011 he went to a Lutheran church for ecumenical vespers and at the end of the vespers Archbishop Muller and the Lutheran ‘bishop’ gave a joint blessing. This is putting the one true church of Christ on the same level as counterfeit religions said  John Vennari  in the interview. Something the Church always forbade, something the popes forbade specifically.This is the progressivist tradition that Archbishop Muller is a part of and so he will say to the  Society of St.Pius X  that this is what  you must follow.--Lionel Andrades

“Voice of Catholic Radio” Interview with John Vennari
on Archbishop Müller, newly appointed head of Vatican CDF




Can Cardinal Schonborn speak the truth and say that Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors ?

1 comment:

  1. During and since Vatican II, conversion to the one true Catholic Church has ceased for all intent. It as if in the spirit of conciliar "modern" thinking we have all but completely compromised and watered down our Faith, lest we offend anyone. Christ charge to the Apostles to go forth and teach all nations apparently has expired some time ago.

    I note the following as part of Church history:

    Martin Luther is excommunicated
    3 Jan 1521

    Pope Leo X excommunicates Luther from the Catholic Church for the publishing of the 95 Theses for his refusal of recanting his writings, and declared Luther an outlaw and heretic.

    What year did we lift this excommunication? Was there a phase in period of say 120 years or so where Protestants could choose to convert or stay protestant and be saved? Or did Protestants just wake up one morning and Catholic teaching flipped the switch and said Martin Luther lived a long time ago, lets just forget and forgive and all just get along. Enough with this conversion talk. After all parts of truth can be found in practically any belief. Lets just all hug and dispense with any rules or hard and fast Church teachings. We just need to respect each other and show charity to all. Truth after all is really not that important.
    And so with this mindset and the infiltration of our Catholic Faith, we have been reduced to a true Catholic remnant.

    It is time that we fight to restore the truth and reverence and most of all our Catholicity according to the will of Jesus. We must restore the Latin Mass to its previous pre Vatican II practice. and so we pray
