Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Cardinal Kurt Koch does not accept Vatican Council II which says all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation. Yet he will participate in the ecumenical meeting on Friday.Why does he not also invite the Jehovah’s Witnesses at this meeting? They say they believe in Jesus Christ, they use a Bible and they call themselves Christians.

Cardinal Koch does not admit that Vatican Council II states all non Catholics need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.

When Catholics say that 'the Church does not teach this any more' they mean Cardinals Kaspar, Koch and Ladaria have changed church teachings with no theological basis and they are supported by the whole machinery of the Left. The pope allows it.On Friday the pope will participate at a meeting of liberals.

They are in dissent since the Prefect of the  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Muller cannot say all Lutherans are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church - according to Vatican Council II  (AG 7).  There are  no known exceptions; LG 16 is not an exception to AG 7.

This was also the mistake of Cardinal Walter Kaspar. They will use his book  as a reference at the meeting.Cardinal Kaspar could not mention that Vatican Council II (AG 7) indicates all Protestants and Orthodox Christians need to convert for salvation. This includes the Jehovah's Witnesses.

 Cardinal Walter Kaspar in one of his talks referred to the error of Fr. Leonard Feeney. This was reported on the website of the Council for Christian Unity, Vatican. He said that the Church no more holds the strict interpretation of outside the church there is no salvation. The Letter of the Holy Office corrected  Fr.Leonard Feeney he mentioned. So this 'error of Fr. Leonard Feeney' is now the theological basis for the new theology and the new ecumenism, while the pope also believes in it. If the cardinal who issued the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 assumed that the baptism of desire was known and an exception to the dogma, then he made a common sense mistake. The participants at the Friday ecumenical meeting  still don’t seem to realize it. If the Letter said that the baptism of desire contradicts the dogma then it would mean that the cardinal who issued the Letter made a mistake.

This was the error of Cardinal Richard Cushing the Archbishop of Boston who  approved the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney. Cardinals Kaspar, Koch and Ladaria's new ecumenism is based on the error of Cardinal Richard Cushing in the 1940's.

This is not something I take pleasure in reporting. However we have to accept this reality and then go on further.

Since they have rejected the dogma outside the church no salvation now at all the Masses offered in the Catholic Church the priest says in the homily that Jesus is the only Saviour. Then he leaves out the necessity of being a member of the Church for salvation.

Lutherans, Anglicans etc can be saved in their communities and they do not have to convert according to the Council for Christian Unity, Vatican.It's Jesus without the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Council for Christian Unity however will not admit Jews for Jesus to their  ecumenical meetings. The Messianic Jews believe in Jesus without the Catholic Church just like the Lutherans. Also the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not permitted to this ecumenical meeting with all its confusion and new doctrines.-Lionel Andrades

PHOTO CAPTION : Jehovah's Witnesses today morning near the Cornelia Metro Station,Rome (right) Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the CDF, Vatican giving a common blessing along with a Lutheran pastor.

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