Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I have received a e–mail response from the Guardian of a Franciscan community.He is unable to respond to the question I asked him.

I wrote :

Dear Fr….,,

I have  a question to ask you. It is:

Are the dead who are saved in Heaven visible to us on earth ? Yes or No.

If you answer 'NO they cannot be seen on earth' it would be mean of course that since they are known only to God and since we cannot see the deceased in Heaven they are not known to us.They are not visible to us.

He has responded:

So sorry,

Let me assure you that i am still among the living … striving for eternal glory!

This week we are in the midst of an international meeting here at the house for 24 of our new leadership around the world. … thus there has been a lot of preparation to be done, and now we have to see the meeting through, day by day.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to get back to you.

I will be out of the country from 19-15 of September, and then I should be here and more settled (if such a thing is possible!)

Thanks for your note, and keeping in touch.

Are the dead who are saved in Heaven visible to us on earth ? Yes or No.
Difficult question !?
-Lionel Andrades

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