Tuesday, September 11, 2012


About 15 minutes back I left an old lady in a wheel chair. The nights are cold in Rome after three a.m. She was shivering and looked really hagard.She said she was feeling cold. It’s not cold at this time.

She often is outside in that area. She told me she was staying with the Sisters who treated her well but she wanted her freedom.

Then at another time she had a bandage over one foot and told me she was waiting for her son.

At another time she asked me to go across the road and buy her a pizza. She gave me the money. She kept insisting on me keeping the change and I kept refusing since she was so poor and a handicapped woman.

Tonight both her legs were really swollen.

I asked her if I should call the Sisters. She said no. She said she would be fine.I told her it would be cold at night. I know. Since I have slept outside at night.She said she would be fine and did not want me to call the sisters.

She could die outside in her state. She was just another stubborn old lady.

I said good bye and left.

On my way, I rang the Sisters door bell I was sure they would not respond. Its late.

Two sisters opened the door. I told them about the old lady. They said that they know about her. Many times they have gone to call her in but she will not come in.

I excused myself for calling them at this hour and I left.

However something was pulling me back. So I went back to her and spoke to her kindly for a little while. She said she had not eaten. I told her if she would just go in to the Sisters home (Dona di Maria) she would have something to eat. She seemed to soften a bit and I think she just wanted someone to talk to. She was angry about something. She was hungry and cold but yet she was determined not to go back.

I had given up.And was ready to leave.

I turned around and those two sister were there.

The old lady who spoke in English smiled and said “Just when I said no one cares”.

I said, “They care that’s why they are here!”

They had warm clothes and she was allowing them to help her.

I escaped quietly without saying anything.

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