Friday, September 21, 2012

Freemasons and their allies are deciding Kolbean spirituality and mission

Rome conference meets leftist standards on salvation

Officials of the Vatican Secretary of State’s office are to preside and offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

Kolbe affirmed implicit desire with the literal interpretation of the dogma, conference speakers affirm explicit baptism of desire with its being an exception to the dogma.

The speakers at the conference have taken the 1940’s understanding of the dogma and are imposing it upon our understanding of St. Maximillian Kolbe’s spirituality and evangelization. This is a denial of his teachings and his views of the Masons.Freemasons and their allies are deciding Kolbean spirituality and mission

Fr.Stefano Manelli the founder of the Francicans of the Immaculate is to speak . The conference will be opened by  Mons. Gino Reali, the Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate are not Freemasons on the contrary they are an excellent Catholic religious community, unfortunately they have accepted the Mason standards set for them by the Vatican.There will be nothing new at this conference and it will only rubber stamp the usual errors which help present a compromised St.Maximillian Kolbe--Lionel Andrades

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