Friday, September 21, 2012


There is a new mosque in Rome in the Vittorio Emmanule locality. It is one of many new ones all over the city.Today afternoon at 2p.m many Muslims mostly Bangladeshi  are seen at the mosque for the Friday prayers.The mosque is alongside a Church. A mosque alongside a church is a source of tension at least for Catholics has been the experience of many.

There are small mosques in many localities of Rome and during the Ramazan fasting period the siren can be heard in many places.

In an hour's time there will be a protest at the Piazza Repubblica, Rome. Pamphlets have been distributed, in Bengali/Bangladeshi inviting Muslims to a protest at 3 p.m against 'the attack on the Islamic religion and the Prophet Muhammad'.

How will they respond when they know Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation (AG 7) and Lumen Gentium 14 says those who know about Jesus and the Church and yet do not enter are oriented to Hell. This would include all Muslims in Rome who know about the Vatican and who know about Jesus and the Church and yet do not convert.This includes their leaders.

Our Lady at Medugorje has said that the end times will be marked by religious wars. She had the same message in her locutions to the Italian priest Fr.Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of  Priests.

She also also said that all the enemies of the Church would combine to eliminate the Church. She was referring to the Masons and Communists allied with the Islamists.

She said that in the past she held the hand of God the Father from falling upon the centre of the Church, that is in Europe. It was always protected from the attacks by the Muslims. About the future... ? ( Read the book!)

It is not known what Our Lady's exact message was to  Bruno Cornacchiola, at time of the apparition on 12 April 1947 at Tre Fontane, Roma. It was something ominous.The Vatican did not accept it and then downplayed the apparitions.

She was trying to tell us something.

It is curious, she was not wearing a blue mantle but - a   green one.-Lionel Andrades


  1. You just quoted Medj?!!!

    Ok...I just deleted you out of my favorites. Medj doesn't jibe with scripture and is therefore diabolical.


  2. Let us face it. I am not a pure traditionalist.

    Traditionalists judge Medjugorje on the message of Vicka while they ignore a contrary message of Mirjana recommending the Poem of the Man God.

    The Franciscans there have also chosen the politically correct approach, appreciated by the Vatican.

    So we don't really know who or what Medugorje really is, since it is filtered through the Franscican priests, who want Medugorje approved.

    Then I am also aware that traditionalists are not willing to say that there is no known baptism of desire. It's not part of their formation.

    They are not willing to say that Fr.Leonard Feeney was irrelevant to the dogma.

    They offer the Traditional Latin Mass here and cannot affirm the dogma in public.Instead I am targeted.

    So if the traditionalists could be wrong about so many things could they also be wrong about Medugorje?

    I attend the TLM and also the Novus Ordo Mass. What's the difference - they deny the faith at both places.
