Wednesday, October 10, 2012

They excommunicated the SSPX once with the visible dead theory and they could do it again-unless someone intervenes

Even if Bishop Bernard Fellay understands the visible dead error of Cushing and Vatican Council II it is going to take time before he gets this message across to the rest of the Society of St.pius X (SSPX). So it will take time .Someone has to bring the visible dead error to the attention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith  and Ecclesia Dei.

Without identifying the Cushing visible dead error once again there could be an excommunication with all the irrational, heretical errors in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.After the excommunication the Vatican could discover they were wrong.

We now know that it was wrong to excommunicate Fr.Leonad Feeney and not lift the excommunication for 19 years, when the baptism of desire was never ever an exception to his literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation.

So there should no more be threats of an 'ecclesial rupture' since the SSPX cannot be expected to accept a Council based on a known falsehood.The falsehood could be identified and removed and then the SSPX could be asked to accept Vatican Council II.

Similarly the Pontifical Urbaniana University University , the University of St.Thomas Aquinas and other Pontifical Universities and seminaries in Rome also need to accept Vatican Council II  -  without the visible dead saved falsehood.
-Lionel Andrades

The SSPX was excommunicated because Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger, Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops were not aware of the Richard Cushing error

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