Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vatican can come back to Tradition and meet the SSPX demand for their re entry by identifying the false premise

The Vatican can meet the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) demand for their re entry into the Church with canoncial status. The Vatican can come  back to tradition in doctrine. They need to publicly  identify the false premise.

1.There is no known visible dead.

2. The visible dead premise is not to be used  in the interpretation fo the Vatican Council II.

3. Vatican Council II does not contradict itself anymore.

This new understanding of Vatican Council II is not based on a theology but the universal understanding that we cannot see the dead saved and alive on earth in 2012.

The present widespread interpretaion of Vatican CouncilII  has its foundation in  irrationality. Once it is removed Vatican Council II becomes as traditional as the SSPX, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and thet Syllabus of Errors.

Presently Vatican Council II contradicts itself because of this false premise of the visible dead saved on earth.

Ad Gentes 7 contradicts itself.

Ad Gentes 7 contradicts Ad Gentes 11.

Ad Gentes 7 contradicts Lumen Gentium 16 etc.

The Vatican permits this contradiction and confusion and in the Pontifical universities they call it a 'mystery'.-Lionel Andrades.

They excommunicated the SSPX once with the visible dead theory and they could do it again-unless someone intervenes  

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