Sunday, December 23, 2012


Today there was a very interesting and meaningful homily given by Fr.Francsesco Giordano. I can remember snatches of it here. Of course I did not have my camera switched to recording and nor was I taking notes .

He said today St.Francis of Assisi is projected as a communist even though this saint was the Church and was close to the popes (I often say St.Francis had the highest mystical experiences within the Catholic Church. The media do not mention his prayers, penance and stigmata).

Fr.Francesco who has specialised on the subject outside the church there is no salvation spoke of the importance of the church in history,its beauty and its being the Mystical Body Christ.

He spoke especially of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), which he was offering today, and said that this was the Mass of the saints,St.John Crysostom, St.Gregory the Great, St.Francis of Assisi...

(There is presently a campaign in the leftist mainstream media, owned by you know who, against the Traditional Latin Mass.

We know the secular media is evil. Their values are Satanic. So there really must be something special about the TLM for them to oppose it.)

Fr.Francesco Giordano said that we cannot believe in Santa Claus and Jesus . When we are young Santa Claus and Pinocchio are appealing.(But not for adults of course!The Masons and Socialists have decided to replace Jesus with Santa Claus...

Christmas is special because of the birth of the only Saviour of the world who is the only gate to avoid Hell.)

Fr.Francesco Giordano is a young priest who offers the TLM Mass I hope he will consider holding a conference on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla  salus with reference to Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

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