Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Social Reign of Christ the King was opposed by the leftists groups. Since it opposes the basis of the secular philosophies i.e it is God who is the center of the universe and society. It is not man.So all political legislation must have this end.

Vatican Council II tells us there is no salvation outside the Church, all need faith and baptism for salvation. All society must be oriented to the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So Vatican Council II is saying there is a moral obligation for society to be Catholic and to worship God in the only way he wants to be worshipped.

Other religions are free legally and physically , in the present day secular societies , with secular national Constituions,however according to Vatican Council II, the members of these religions have an obligation to enter the Church.

Vatican Council II indicates that in principle a non Catholic could be saved in another religion in a manner known only to God but these are not defacto, known cases on earth.So Vatican Council II does not contradict itself by saying there is known salvation outside the church. There is no known salvation outside the church mentioned in the text of the Council and neither in real life do we know of these cases.

We accept those who are declared saints by the Church, as being in Heaven. Otherwise in general we do not know who has received salvation, which is always implicit for us and explicit only for God.

We do not know if the followers of 'the great religions' are in Heaven. They did not have faith and the baptism of water, which Vatican Council II says is needed to go to Heaven.

Since there is no salvation outside the church according to Vatican Council II, other religions and philosophies are false paths to salvation, from Judaism and Islam to New Age theories.

Vatican Council II affirms the Social Reign of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Syllabus of Errors and the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It endorses the Nicene Creed which says there is one known baptism (of water) for the forgiveness of sins and not three known baptisms(water,desire and blood).Since the baptism of desire and blood can only be known to God; only he can judge.

Without the dead man walking on earth, saved in invincible ignorance, theory, the Council holds the traditional teaching on other religions and ecumenism. It says all need Catholic Faith (AG 7) for salvation.This of course includes the Protestants and Orthodox Christians whom the dogma Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 calls heretics and schismatics, needing to convert to avoid the fires of Hell.

Since the Catechism of the Catholic Church has the same message as Vatican Council II, without the false premise of the visible dead on earth,it is in accord with all traditional teachings which have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.This is the only rational and traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II possible which has the hermeneutic of continuity and is not, in the words of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Muller, a 'rupture with the past'.

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