Sunday, February 24, 2013

Catholic priest in homily today says Islam is a false religion: cites St.Justin Martyr and other saints

The Church was full today. The Mass was in Latin.The priest's homily  was in Italian.He said when people lose the Faith it is because of the demon.The sin of losing ones faith, is because of the temptation of the devil.The Catholic Faith is not sentimentalism, he said. It is not just another religion. It exists since it is necessary for salvation.Other religions are false religions he said.He cited St.Justin Martry who called the other religions false. He specifically named Islam among others.Only the Catholic Church he said has the fullness of the truth.

If I mention the name of this priest he will receive phone calls telling him what Catholics should believe, what is acceptable to others and what Vatican Council II says even though it is not in the text of the Council.

I would like to mention that according to Vatican Council II, Islam and the other 'great religions', are not paths to salvation.All their members today need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7,LG 14) to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.The religions may have good and holy things but they are false paths to salvation. To go to Heaven their members are oriented into the Catholic Church (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. Notification on Fr.Jacques Dupuis S.J 2001).

The young priest today morning was saying outside the church there is no salvation.This would mean every one in Rome in 2013 needs to convert into the Church for salvation.

Fluent in Italian he spoke about the general fear among the people today regarding the future.This was because they had no faith in God , he said, and they lived like pagans.

I would like to mention that according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 846 Outside the Church No Salvation)every one needs to be a visible member of the Church. Every one needs 'to enter as through a door' and with  'faith and baptism' for salvation.

are many Catholics who are confused today. Since it common error is to assume that there are some deceased saved with the baptism of desire tec who  are visible to us on earth. These invisible cases are supposed to be  exceptions to Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the dogma on salvation. This is ludicrous, irrational and non traditional. It is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.   Vatican Council II is in accord with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities. This is what the good priest was saying today.

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