Sunday, February 24, 2013


The Australian priest Fr.John George  says he has cancer and is bedridden and wants a discussion stopped on the forum True Catholic.He will continue to believe that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are physically visible to us and so are exceptions to :

1. The ordinary means of salvation (Redemptoris Missio)

2.All need faith and baptism for salvation.(Ad Gentes 7).

3.Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.

4.The necessity of the Catholic Sacraments for all in 2013.

I hope Fr.John George continues his media apostolate for a long time and continues to target the leftist and heretical Catholica of Brian Coyne in Australia.

I enjoy seeing his cartoons and comments. It makes him happy. Over the last few years they have been directed at me too. No one is spared.Fr.John George's style of presenting the Faith makes True Catholic unique among the discussion forums in Australia.He intentionally could provoke a member on the discussion board.When the person becomes sensitive and responds emotionally, he will tell him or her to stick to the issues.

Whenever he is worsted in a discussion and his patience is at an end he cries out to Sharon, the Administrator, to come to his rescue and end the discussion.She dutifully obliges often.

Fr.John George is a good priest, in good standing with the Catholic Church in Australia which generally has a heretical position on salvation as is true in the rest of the Catholic Church today, with some exceptions.
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There was a major theological error during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, carried over from the past, and it has not been corrected. Perhaps the next pope will do so and I hope Fr.John is alive.Then he can make the personal correction in his irrational, non traditional,non Catholic view on the deceased being allegedly visible to us in Heaven and also on earth, who are saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire and who are living exceptions to the traditional teaching on other religions!-Lionel Andrades

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