Friday, February 8, 2013

Heresy in New Catechumenal Way Catechesis : Interprets Vatican Council II as a break with the past, also rejects the dogma on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church

Otherwise one must have admiration for the lay Catholic evangelisers of the Way.

Last night I attended a Catechesis of the Neo Cathecumenal Way (NCW) at a church in central Rome. It was a nice experience.I liked what I heard.

Doctrinally though some of the things she was saying was heretical and a break with the past but she was not to be blamed.This is what she was given to say.And this was how she knew, and lived, the Catholic Faith with sincerity.

I knew the lady speaking and it was a joy listening to her speak fluently in Italian and from the heart relating personal experiences.

We were about 10 people there and most of what she was telling us was not new.It was about the desacralization of society, the need for us to be the salt and the light, to love others, to love with a divine love,things we already knew .It was a pleasure to listen to her.

She is a married lady with a many children, her husband was there too last night and is also a catechist . There were other married couples sitting in a semi circle in front of us, who are to speak over the next few weeks of catechesis.

These couples belong to the NCW in another Church in Rome . They are forming new nuclear communities in different parishes.Their spiritual director, a young priest, was also present last night.

Whatever one say about the NCW- their system works!

Here was a group of lay Catholic professionals, husbands and wives, and they had made time to present the Catholic Faith in a systematic manner.

They have an evangelisation system that works!

When she mentioned extra ecclesiam nulla salus I had to control myself from laughing.This was how she understood the Faith, how the Catholic Faith was meaningful for her.I couldn't expect her to interpret Vatican Council II according to Tradition. How could she? No one has taught it to her.But over time when the Church is back on the tracks with correct doctrine I think she will understand.Will she be able to adapt ? I don't know.

She was presenting Vatican Council II with the false premise of the dead man walking theory. This is the  leftist version of Vatican Council II.It was a break with the Syllabus of Errors and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Since she was using the false premise of the visible dead saved in invincible ignorance etc , it would have to contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So she said that the dogma is not more applicable for today. She mentioned many people being saved who are not visible members of the Church, as if she knew them.

I was a part of this community in Rome for a few years. Over the last few years I have been out of touch with them.I loved their liturgy, their Holy Mass.

They were faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church in the best way they knew and in the best way they could possibly be in the present difficult times.They are criticized by the liberals and dissenters and misunderstood by the Traditionalists.

I remember the love and reverence I had. The awe, when I sat and held the Eucharist before me on my palm, supported by my other hand.We would wait until every one received the Eucharist and then consume it together.Traditionalists misunderstand this experience.

Their Mass is similar to those in the catacombs of Rome, the house Masses during the time of persecution.The only difference today,with that time, is in theology and doctrine.

There is a doctrinal-cancer which has entered and spread through out the Catholic Church. It is there in the FSSP Tridentine Latin Rite Mass in Rome as much in the NCW.The doctrinal error of the visible dead saved needs to be checked by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

I was glad the meeting ended at 10 p.m. They have an efficient Metro system and so I could get back to where I am staying quicker then I expected.-Lionel Andrades

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