Saturday, February 9, 2013

Neo Catechumenal Way Catechesis must interpret Vatican Council II as a continuation with Tradition

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith could ask the New Catechunmenal Way (NCW) to affirm Vatican Council II as a continuity with Tradition and not as a break with the past.Archbishop Gerhard Muller recently said that those who interpret the Council as a break with the past are heretical.


The NCW could affirm the Council in agreement with the traditional teaching on other religions by not assuming that implicit for us salvation is physically visible and explicit e.g if those saved in invisible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) are not physically visible to us, then these cases are not exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, which says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.All, in 2013, include non Catholics and non Christians needing Catholic Faith for salvation.

Christians communities and the Orthodox Christians do not have Catholic Faith. So in ecumenism and dialogue they must know that the Catholic Church teaches that all need to convert into the only Mystical Body of Jesus to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

We do not know any one saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR) in 2013.So this is not a contradiction to AG 7. It would be an exception if physically these cases were visible and saved in 'imperfect communion'.

If the Neo Catechemenal Way catechesis does not make the error of being able to see the dead man walking, saved in invincible ignorance, seeds of the word, imperfect communion with the church, elements of sanctification etc , Vatican Council II would be in continuity with Tradition; the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors .

When the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7 is affirmed it is possible to interpret Dignitatis Humane,Vatican Council II in accord with Tradition. DH refers to the religious liberty non Catholics have in a state with a secular Constitution.It encourages the religious liberty of Catholics to proclaim the Catholic Faith. When one affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus there is a moral duty to say that there is only one true church and only one true worship and it is the Catholic Faith.There may be good and holy things in other religions but the other religions are not paths to salvation according to Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

Heresy in New Catechumenal Way Catechesis : Interprets Vatican Council II as a break with the past, also rejects the dogma on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church

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