Thursday, March 21, 2013

Another sermon for you – on modesty and the TLM

Another sermon for you – on modesty and the TLM
by  tantamergo

A different priest this time, I think.

This sermon has a bit of a personal angle. This Lent, my wife and another local woman decided that they would cover their heads - wear a veil, of sorts - for the entirety of Lent. Well, pretty much, except when sleeping, showering, etc. But definitely when in public. My girls have, for the most part, joined in. This is also in conjunction with the Marymyway effort, where my wife has responded to requests for veils from women she knows. She is designing and making more and more veils, and the site is taking off. My wife is coming to believe that there may be many women out there at least contemplating veiling more than when at Mass.

Along they way, my wife has learned a great deal about this practice, it's history, and the reasons why Catholic women for a very, very long time - many centuries - almost always covered their heads in public. Especially in traditionally Catholic countries. I won't go into that now, except to say that there is a depth of theology there that really surprised me, and it is all tied in with the Mass, Sacrifice, the really ties into a huge segment of Catholic belief. I am very, very proud of my wife for doing this, and no, I had nothing to do with it, I was quite surprised when she told me what she planned for Lent. But, then again, she has always been the one dragging me to sanctity, not the other way around. My wife is, if I may say so, an amazing woman.

If you're looking for a chapel veil or a veil for daily wear, please do consider marymyway. If you don't, I'll stop blogging!

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