Thursday, March 21, 2013

The denial of this doctrine of the necessity of belonging to the Church for salvation that is the cause of all the other evils in the Church

It is the denial of this doctrine of the necessity of belonging to the Church for salvation that is the cause of all the other evils in the Church and, consequently, the world today...- Sr.Marie Therese M.I.C.M., Prioress

Convent Corner Triage

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Feeney, pray for us!March 24, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    That is the reason that this Dogma is known as the FOUNDATIONAL Dogma. All else crumbles if this Dogma does not stand. Fr. Feeney, a wise and brave son of the Church, saw the danger and raised the alarm. Unfortunately, the churchmen chose to kill the messenger. ALL of the present evils in the Church can be traced to the denial of EENS. It is this Dogma which the devil MUST defeat in order to "win". It is this Dogma which is most hated by the enemies of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church- Outside of Which, there is NO salvation.
