Saturday, March 2, 2013

Is Holy Mass of the Bishop of Calgary licit but in mortal sin?- he issued a notice on the SSPX Holy Mass.

 Bishop Frederick Henry does not respond.Neither do any of the priests in the diocese.
The following report was sent to the offices, agencies and Parish Priests in the Catholic diocese of Calgary,Canada.It was also sent to the bishop via his e-mail available on the diocese website.
 February 28, 2013
If the bishop is in mortal sin could the laity attend Mass ? According to St.Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church and Father of Moral Theology it would be a sin on the part of a Catholic to receive the Sacraments from a priest who is in public mortal sin, unless one had no alternative i.e one could not  fulfill ones Sunday obligation to attend Holy Mass.St.Alphonsus says it would be sacrilegious cooperation.(Teologia Moralis).He says it would be a sin against charity and religion,since one knows that the priest(or bishop) is on the way to Hell and one acts as if all is normal.
Bishop Frederick Henry has also not accepted Vatican Council II (AG 7),without the false premise of the dead being visible. Yet he has cautioned Catholics in the diocese not to attend Holy Mass at the Society of St.Pius X church in Calgary, until they accept Vatican Council II( with the false premise).
Fr.Leo Boyle , the Rector at the SSPX St.Denis Catholic Church, Calgary could issue a clarification saying the bishop is in public mortal sin for denying the Nicene Creed and the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He alleges that there are physically visible exceptions, to the Creed and dogma, who are now in Heaven.
The SSPX priest could caution Catholics not to attend Mass at Calgary where the Parish Priest also holds this heretical position.
Parishioners do not know about this . These blog posts have not been sent to the secular newspapers in Calgary.
Bishop Henry is misuing his power. According to Canon Law he needs to affirm the Nicene Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II ,without claiming there are exceptions physically visible to him.
He also cannot say that Islam and the other religions are not paths to salvation. In his ecumenism Protestants and other Christian communities are not told that they need to convert for salvation (to go to Heaven avoid the fires of Hell).
-Lionel Andrades
First Saturday

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