Friday, March 1, 2013


Sedevacantists and traditionalists are again churning out the same ignorance on Vatican Council II, while they assume people saved and now in Heaven are not invisible to us but visible in the flesh. The  same irrationality of the liberals.They can allegedly see the dead.

The sedevacantists are ready to begin speculation on the new sede vacante and a criticism of the Council.They will take it for granted that salvation referred to in the Council,is physically visible to us.This premise they do not realize actually creates the Council as modernist.
The Council becomes a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors because of the premise used.Something new has been added to the Deposit of Faith.Something irrational .

If we cannot physically see the dead who are now in Heaven, then those saved with a good conscience (LG 16), elements of sanctification (LG 8), seeds of the Word , imperfect communion with the Church etc are not known exceptions to the dogma which says all need to be visible members of the Church for salvation.So if there are no known exceptions , to every one needing to be a visible member of the Catholic Church for salvation (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441) Vatican Council II is not a break with the past on other religions and ecumenism. The fault is not with the Council but with the premise used by the sedevacantists in the interpretation of the Council.

Traditionalists and liberals also cannot see that when someone claims there are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus he is also saying that those saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance are not invisible to us but visible to us!

How can what is invisible for us and only visible for God be an exception? If it is invisible then can it be an exception?

Even the leaders of the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) take it for granted that there are visible cases of the dead who are now saved and are in Heaven.While there are Catholic priests who offer the Novus Ordo Mass in Rome who know that these cases, known only to God, are not exceptions to the dogma, since they are invisible.

So the fault is not with the Mass or the Council, but with the person interpreting the Council.The fault is with the person and the premise he uses.

Sedevacantists MHFM and CMRI ,Bishop Richard Williamson and the SSPX-SO have the same understanding of the Council as the liberals and modernists.Some of the liberals must be laughing up their sleeve seeing that traditionalists agree with them.

Irrespective of what every one believes and says( theories, opinions, faith) and irrespective of the Church document (Council, Catechism etc), if for you the dead who are saved (baptism of desire etc) are not invisible, but visible (physically seen with the naked eye) you have a modernist Church document.

Beauty,like error, is in the eye of the beholder.
-Lionel Andrades

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