Sunday, March 24, 2013

No one reminded Pope Francis on Wednesday that Vatican Council II says outside the church there is no salvation

Last Wednesday Pope Francis met non Catholic religious leaders at the Vatican and said dialogue would continue based on Vatican Council II.No Catholic commented in public saying Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) like the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846,845) says outside the Church there is no salvation.

So according to Vatican Council II all those smiling non Catholics, would be lost for eternity if they do not convert. Such an important message and no one mentioned it

The Jesuits interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past, with their visible baptism of desire, personally known cases saved in invincible ignorance, the ability to shake hands with those in Heaven saved with the 'seeds of the Word' and being able to name all in 2013 who are saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church'.

So they too must have been smiling when the pope didn't tell the Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims and Orthodox Christians  that it was urgent that they all convert to avoid the fires of Hell and that he was telling them all this based on Vatican Council II.

No statement was also issued by the St.Benedict Centers, USA nor by the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) or any Catholic organisation.

According to the SBC, the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, the baptism of desire (which includes the baptism of water), invincible ignorance, 'good and holy' non Catholics who are saved(NA) etc are exceptions to Ad Gentes7, Vatican Council II. Since they are exceptions it means these cases are visible.So the Council also contradicts the dogma for them.

Similarly for the SSPX priests, those saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16)are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Vatican Council II(AG 7).These cases of the dead now in Heaven,are visible to them in the flesh.So for the SBC and the SSPX, Vatican Council II contradicts itself, AG 7 contradicts LG 16.The Council also contradicts the dogma on salvation according to them.

When Pope Francis said there would be relations with non Catholics based on Vatican Council II no one mentioned that the Council says outside the church there is no salvation.-Lionel Andrades

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