Friday, March 22, 2013

Pope Francis is a Jesuit, so he probably didn't know...

Pope Francis met representatives of different religions on Wednesday.We cannot expect much from the pope on this issue since he is a Jesuit. According to their religious formation there are known exceptions; physically visible cases, who contradict Fr.Leonard Feeney's interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Since they consider the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as exceptions to the dogma, they imply that these cases are visible to us, for them to be exceptions. Since they can 'see' the exceptions, for them, not every one needs to be a 'card carrying' member of the Catholic Church.

Jesuits would not expect Pope Francis to tell the non Catholics who came to meet him at the Vatican that it was important for their eternal salvation to convert into the Catholic Church.

The Jesuits believe that the Catholic Church has changed its traditional teaching on other religions.The dead are now physically visible on earth.This is the new irrationality, by implied reasoning.

This irrational and accepted theory is clearly put in print in a book Documenti published by the Jesuit Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. He was a professor at the Jesuit Gregorian University,Rome where this is a consensus error.The error can also be confirmed on the website of the International Theological Commission, Vatican.
So Pope Francis probably knows that Fr.Leonard Feeney was dismissed from the Jesuits. He was disobedient to his Jesuit Superiors and the Archbishop of Boston.The good priest was insisting that there were no known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.He could not see the dead now saved.He was honest.

So as expected  Pope Francis told the Muslims that they believe in one God who is Merciful.It was reported. He told the Jews that they had a special bond with Christians.He greeted the leader of the Orthodox Church with the word 'brother' and he didn't tell any of them that they immediately needed to convert into the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II and Jesus' teachings, to avoid Hell.

For the Muslim and Orthodox Church leader there is no salvation for the pope.Since there is exclusive salvation only in their religion.This is also the position of Orthodox Jews.

According to Jesuit religious formation the rabbi present there at the Vatican, could be saved with 'the seeds of the Word' etc since 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) are not the ordinary means of salvation.The ordinary means of salvation for them, is invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire etc.This is not true of course, for all Jesuits.

Now the Jesuits, a few of them to whom I spoke to, at the Chiesa del Gesu, Rome( where one can visit the tomb of St.Ignatius of Loyola) we do not know if there is anyone in Hell.The Vice Rector at this basilica in the centre of Rome, told me the natives in Goa, India would have been saved anyway, even if St.Francis Xavier did not go there. (Since faith and baptism is not the ordinary means of salvation but it is invincible ignorance).The Jesuits  say God is Merciful and so most people are going to Heaven- as if they know,for sure.

Last Sunday in his Angelus exhortation Pope Francis said that God is Merciful and forgives again and again.What he did not say, like most Jesuits, is, to receive this mercy one needs to respond. God's Mercy is available in only the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.Outside the Church there is no Salvation.All who are saved are saved through the Catholic Church and all who are saved in the present times are saved by visibly becoming formal members of the Church, with faith and the baptism of water.That non Catholics can be saved 'indirectly' by the Church does not contradict the necessity of formal membership in the Catholic Church for salvation.

 So all those non Catholics present at the pope's inaugural Mass two days later, would be on the way to Hell unless they accepted God's Mercy and formally entered the Catholic Church.

Jesus gave us the Great Commission to go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News, that there is salvation for all, which He merited for us through his Supreme Sacrifice.All who believe in Him and live His teachings in the Catholic Church, the only Church he founded, need not be lost to Satan and the consequences of the fall of Adam, to Original Sin.

So presently for the Jesuits there are known exceptions to the Great Commission and the necessity of the baptism of water for all.They are using a false premise in their theology. The premise is that we can physically see the dead. As if they could name these cases who are exceptions to the traditional teaching.This is theology gone wrong with the Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans etc.

This error can be traced to the Jesuits and the Archbishop of Boston who assumed that cases of the baptism of desire etc were physically visible to us . Until today so many other wise rational Catholics, make this same error.-Lionel Andrades

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