Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Notice, he has no apologetics but is calling for prayers

Notice he is careful not to get into apologetics, since he doesn't know how to handle this one.(1)
What can he say to the comment 'we cannot see the dead?'.Nothing! There is no apologetics.
I told Robert Sungenis in our correspondence, which was not private, that I am no authority on this issue ( and neither is any one else with their common place error) but of one thing I am dead- sure, it is, we cannot see dead.
That we cannot see the dead is not a personal view it is a universal understanding.
So how can he respond if the issue is not theology.It is a mistaken ' fact' which influences his theology.
When he admits we cannot see the dead his theology will be rational.
If Fr.Brian Harrison and Robert Sungenis were asked if they can see the dead they would respond, "No".
Then the follow up question for them is : how can they say that being saved in invincible ignorance and implicit desire are exceptions to all needing 'faith and baptism' for salvation?
Those who are saved in invincible ignorance and implicit desire are dead for us.They cannot be seen.
Then Fr.Harrison and Sungenis would say/imply that the Church made a mistake ( this is what the Church teaches!).
But where is the text in which the Church says that the dead are visible for us ?
This has to be implied-wrongly!
I would say that he has no apologetics and is calling for prayers.Appropriately.-Lionel Andrades
Monday, May 20, 2013

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