Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sacrilege at the basilica of St.Mary Majors ?

Yesterday evening at the Salus Popoli Romani altar of the Basilica of St.Mary Majors, Rome the priest gave the Eucharist to a tall, young lady in a short dress exposing her thighs.An elderly woman went up to the woman and protested at the way she was dressed.The woman went ahead and received the Eucharist while the priest watched it all.
If I would ask that priest after Mass why did he give the Eucharist to her he could give me some reason.A priest at a church in Cornelia, Rome said it was a sin,immodesty was a sin for him but he had to give the Eucharist.Possibly he was pleasing his superiors.Another priest, at the Church of St.Camillio de Lellis(St.Mary Magdalene) had given the Eucharist to a man in short pants. The priest told me that "these people have got these ideas in their head"' and we just have to bear all this.He said he knew it was wrong for that person to receive the Eucharist like that.Another priest at a church also in Cornelia, Rome told me that I should not judge.He had given the Eucharist to a young woman vulgarly dressed. (see photo below) 
Just think what could happen to any of these priests if they refused the Eucharist to someone dressed vulgar. There could be protests and his superiors not wanting any controversy, would target these priests for doing the right thing- refusing the Eucharist to those who are vulgarly dressed.
Similarly to protect himself a priest cannot say that Vatican Council II (AG 7) says non Catholics need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation(to avoid Hell).
Meanwhile Catholic churches here are being used by the Orthodox Christian priests for congregations which probably include Catholic converts to the Orthodox Church. They have the political support of Putin and the one-world -religion lobby.There are new Russian Orthodox Churches being opened in Rome while the Catholic Church cannot ask for its Church property back in Russia.
The Orthodox Churches are particular about modesty. I noticed this yesterday at the Parish of St.Nicola Taumarturgo,Via Palestro,Rome, under the Patriarch of Moscow.
Immodesty in clothes has always been a mortal sin in the Catholic Church. In Veritatis Splendor, Pope John Paul's  encyclical on moral theology, this teaching is reaffirmed.Pope John Paul II said a mortal sin is a mortal sin and the outward action indicates the inner intention. I repeat: he was saying that from the outward action we can judge the inner motive and intention.
That woman yesterday who received the Eucharist was in sin.The priest should not have given the Eucharist to her since the sin was before his very eyes.The priest could not say, in this case, that 'we cannot judge if someone is in mortal sin'.In the case of immodesty you can see it. It can be judged.
The political left is changing Catholic culture in Rome so that sin may not be considered sin.Their programming is: immodesty is not a sin, denying the dogma on salvation is not a sin...and they want all this implemented in the Catholic Church or there could be political consequences and controversies.
-Lionel Andrades
Here are some photos of Catholics who have received the Eucharist at Mass in Rome's churches.
Church in Cornelia, Rome where the priest said we cannot judge.

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