Monday, May 13, 2013

Protestant ignores Pope Francis' comment on 'absurd' to look for Jesus without the Church

Owned by the Protestant Steve Jalsevec and his family, has made available the following reports, among others, on Pope Francis.
But like the liberal media LifeSitesNews deleted the following report.
Pope celebrates his saint's day with cardinals: 'absurd' to look for Jesus without the Church
They have prominently quoted Mons.Ignacio Barreiro,possibly one of their Catholic donors, in yesterday's March for Life and in  other reports in Rome. Unfortunately the Catholic Monsignor will not say that the Catholic Church still teaches that for salvation all Christians need to enter the Catholic Church.
The usually 'prudent' Mon. Barreiro once 'imprudently(?)' wrote a report in a  pro SSPX publication and then in the Latin Mass Magazine in which he said that non Catholic religions are false religions. I quoted him as saying Islam is not a path to salvation.He probably got threats from the Vicariate in Rome, denied the faith and wanted to have nothing to do with me.
He wants mothers not to abort and was interviewed by Radio Maria urging Eluana's father not to have his daughter killed in euthanasia- but to avoid being suspended in Rome and losing his valuable reputation he will not affirm the traditional teaching on salvation- at least not in public.
Even the mother who aborts could be doing so for her personal interest, to protect her lifestyle or reputation or some other worldly aim, which the Monsignor also considers important.
Monsignor Barreiro says that he knows that there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and he knows that we do not know any one saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire but he will not affirm the 'rigorous position' of Fr.Leonard Feeney. He has visited the communites of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA and does not agree with them on something.What that 'something' is he does not remember.
He does not agree with them in public not to  cause controversy and so risk losing his incardination or is it for some other personally useful reason ?
So he maintains the veneer of their being exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, even though it is heresy, as long as he can keep doing what he does at the Human Life International Offices in Rome and the  USA and his other activity,including being a Spiritual Director for the Militia Christi,Italy.
What a disapointment !A Catholic Monsignor denies the Catholic Faith to avoid being suspended while he urges other Catholics not to abort, use contraception etc. The acting leader of the Human Life International calls this being prudent (in a worldly sense).Perhaps the women who contracep, also call it being prudent.

Life Sites holds a liberal ecumenical positions and projects it as that the teaching of Vatican Council II and the Catholic Church. The monsignor will not contradict them. It would not be 'prudent'.For them all salvation is there in Jesus only and the Catholic Church is not necessary, at least one one does not have to convert into the Catholic Church. Mons.Barreiro is prudently comfortable with this.
The Protestant LifeSitesNews is also prudent when it involves the issue of earnings and worldly success.Or,perhaps for religious reasons omitted Pope Francis' statement-Lionel Andrades

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