Sunday, May 12, 2013

What a Walk! -March for Life Rome 2013

Christians had to shed their blood there at the Colloseum said Virginia Coda Nunziante.Speaking  along side the Colloseum and facing the Arch of Constantine the Italian spokesperson for the March for Life, said  Christians  had to shed their blood for their faith and it  was after the battle of Saxa Ruba that the persecutions ended.Then began the time of Constantine, to whom the Arch was dedicated.
 Photo Ansa
Speaking before thousands of pro lifers before the start of the Marcia per La Vita at the Colloseum, today morning,Virginia Loda said once again there is a dictatorship and a persecution being faced in which the the blood of  innocent is being lost through abortion.This is the dictatorship of relativism which we are all familiar with.
Virginia was then translating in three languages, as participating leaders of different organisations spoke ,presenting inspiring  testimonies of a  battle being fought all over the world in defense of the culture of life.
Ten a.m and that mass crowd of people began moving in an extraordinary walk. It was not just a simple walk of pro lifers but there was a diversity of programs which made it seem like a Day for Life, extending Beyond the walk.
Cardinal Raymond Burke was there and the Mayor of Rome briefly spoke.
 A Roma sfila la ‘Marcia per la vita’, il Papa: “Garantire protezione giuridica embrione”
Fatto Quotidiano

It was a good  chance for me to remain alone and pray and walk at a comfortable pace,usually at the rear end of the walk.
I was praying the rosary and meditating on the Mysteries, when we were about a hundred meter's from St.Peter's  Square.Was I early or late for the Angelus.I didn't hear the bells.
Most of the participants were already at St.Peter's Square when I noticed the groups before me were releasing colourful balloons into the sky and I was wondering why the rest of them were not doing the same,since they probably saw Pope Francis at the window. So I thought.
I heard a seminarian rush ahead of me and say excitedly in Italian that this is incredible. I thought to myself,  yes, there was a huge gathering in front of us waiting in the square with colourful banners,flags and posters.I assumed the seminarian was referring to that sea of people.
And then I couldn't believe it!
Pope Francis was about 20 feet in a jeep in front of where I was .He was waving to the poeple and blessing us.
He remained there as if he had all the time in the world for us or so it seemed but it must have been about half a minute.The pope had come down to the rear end of the March where the people began  chanting "Francesco, Francesco".
For someone used to walking and praying- wow! what a walk this was !
-Lionel Andrades

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