Monday, May 27, 2013

Vatican does not clarify Pope Francis' remarks on atheists: negligent CDF still teaching factual error

Father Leonard Feeney learnt about his excommunication through the newspapers and not the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).It is reported that he made the charge of heresy against the Archbishop of Boston and the Holy Office (CDF).
Could the CDF still be teaching heresy ?The CDF has not clarified that according to the teachings of the Catholic Church atheists are Hell-bound, unless they convert into the Catholic Church.Instead the Vatican has let the media suggest that Pope Francis was saying that atheists are saved in general and do not need to convert. This is a false catechesis of Catholics and non Catholics.
It contradicts Vatican Council II (AG 7) the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846) and Pope Francis' recent statement , that Jesus cannot be found outside the Catholic Church.For salvation, atheists need to believe in Jesus within the Catholic Church.
The present CDF archbishops and cardinal, are on public record indicating that there are known exceptions to Ad Gentes 7,the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 and the dogma on salvation.
The same heresy of the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing was repeated by Pope Benedict XVI and the present Secretary of the CDF Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J.Pope Benedict had it published in Light of the World (Ignatius Press p.107) and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria in two of the International Theological Commission papers, Christianity and the World Religions and the Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without baptism.
It is a fact that we do not know people saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire. It is a fact that these cases in heaven are invisible for us.In faith we believe that the saints are in heaven but we cannot see them with our physical vision.
So the CDF archbishops and cardinal know of no known exception on earth to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney on the dogma, to Vatican Council II(AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846).
The CDF officials could accept the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as a possibility and also accept the literal interpretation of the dogma, as it was known for centuries.Since there are only possibilities which we accept in faith but there are no exceptions.
The CDF permits the error. They allow the claim of there being persons in Heaven whom we can see with the naked eye. These cases are supposed to be  exceptions to the dogma on salvation, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Mortal sin, heresy and sacrilege apply also to popes, cardinals and bishops.Even they can go to Hell.This is a first class heresy. Since it contradicts the Nicene Creed and an infallible teaching.This is public mortal sin even after being informed. How can they offer Holy Mass?
Jesus has died for the salvation of all, including atheists, but to receive this salvation all , need to respond and enter the Church(Dominus Iesus 20). However to be politically correct with the Left the Vatican spokesman is silent on this issue.The heresy in Light of the World was never clarified and now Pope Benedict is writing another book!.
Archbishop Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the CDF and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, Vice President, Ecclesia Dei have in interviews with the National Catholic Register, indicated that there are personally known exceptions to the dogma on salvation(and Ad Gentes 7).
These are personal errors. The Holy Spirit cannot guide the Magisterium of the Church to imply that we can see the dead in Heaven who are saved and so are exceptions to the dogma on salvation and to Ad Gentes 7.
Neither can the Holy Spirit guide them to assume that there are some Protestants who are are not visible members of the Catholic Church,known to them, who will be saved even if they do not enter the Catholic Church.
This was an error made by Fr.Jonathan Morris (1) of the Archdiocese of New York and who was corrected by Michael Voris. There was no apology form the priest or the archdiocese nor any comment from the Vatican.There was no clarification to the error Fr.Morris made on Fox News.
When Fr.Leonard Feeney allegedly told the Archbishop and the Holy Office that they were in heresy, it was when they were alleging that there were known exceptions to the dogma; they assumed that these cases were relevant to the dogma.The same error is being made today, by the CDF and in general by the Jesuits.-Lionel Andrades

Video: What Did He Just Say ? -Michael Voris

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