Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Would St.Alphonsus Ligouri recommend going for the Sacraments to Fr.John George ?

St.Alphonsus Ligouri says that if you know that a priest is in public mortal sin do not go to him for the Sacraments. Since it would be a sin against religion and charity.It would be cooperating in 'sacrilegous communion'. It would be receiving the Eucharist unworthly.

He writes it would be an exception if you did not have  any other Mass or priest to go to, to meet your Sunday Obligation. If there was no other priest from whom you could receive the Eucharist at Sunday Mass, then one could go to the priest in mortal sin according to St.Alphonsus.

Of course even if the priest is in mortal sin, the Eucharist is still valid, it is the Body, Blood and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
In his Teologia Moralis (Bk3,N.46) he writes that the priest in public mortal sin is on the way to Hell. So by you going to him for the Sacraments you are tellling him that all is well. This is not charity on your part. It is contrary to the teachings of the Church to encourage someone in mortal sin.

There are of course some mortal sins which are secret and are known only to God.There are some sins which for us may be venial sins but in reality be mortal sins, and vice versa.

Then it is also a sin to falsely accuse someone and especially a priest. Especially a priest!

Fr.John George a priest in good standing in the Archdiocese of Sydney for years has been denying the dogma on salvation which Pope Pius XII called an' infallible teaching'.He has been demanding that it be banned on the Internet board True Catholic. Then he also denies Vatican Council II (AG 7) on the need for all to convert into the Catholic Church with faith and salvation. There is a similar denial of CCC 846 with the same message.

He is not willing to say that homosexual sexual relations and the homosexual act are mortal sins and neither is is willing to correct another priest of the Archdiocese who claims the sexual relations and act is not a sin.

Then he criticizes modesty and does not consider immodesty as a sin....

This is public mortal sin. It is not denied on the public forum by the priest.
Should Catholics recieve the Sacraments from him ? Would it be a sin against charity and religion ?.

Would St.Alphonsus Ligouri the father of moral theology approve of it ?.Would this be 'sacrilegous communion'?

If I was in Sydney, in conscience I would not go to him for the Sacraments.
-Lionel Andrades

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