Friday, June 14, 2013

Priests and nuns know exactly what I am saying but they don't want to affirmt he Faith in public

Yesterday I was talking to a young priest.I asked him if every one needs to enter the Church for salvation in the present times. He said" Yes".
"There are no exceptions?"I asked.
He was not clear. He did not want to discuss the subject, he looked at his watch. He was uncomfortable.After saying yes he was now implying there were exceptions.He referred to Lumen Gentium and Gaudium Specs,Vatican Council II implying  exceptions are mentioned in these texts. He now says Vatican Council II says every one does not need to enter the  church after initially saying every one does need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
A few months back I had already spoken with this priest on this same subject.He studies at the Urbaniana Pontifical  University, Rome.He is a Filipino priest who does not say in homilies that everyone needs to enter the Church.
Now even though he cannot  name any exception, to every one needing to convert into the  Church for  salvation(AG7), he will not say this in public.He does no know any exception, but personal conversation, will not mention there are no exceptions in 2013.If he knows that every one in 2013 needs to convert into the Church for salvation he is not going to admit it. As a pastor he will not tell this to other Catholics. 
Vatican Council II does not mention any salvation that we can know of personally and neither does it state that these possibilities (invincible ignorance etc) are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus nor to Ad Gentes 7 (all need faith and baptism). To know this teaching  and to pretend otherwise  is a lie.It is also teaching Catholics a lie.
He knows there are no exceptions personally known to him. He also knows that he cannot count the cases this year or in the past years saved in invincible ignoroance etc. This is known only to God.
Yet he will claim that Vatican Council II says there are exceptions. With someone else he  could get away with this falsehood. I can ask them to cite the text.I have been writing on this subject for a long time. They cannot cite any text from Vatican Council II. They just say Vatican Council II because every one else says it, including their superiors.
Then I have to help them and say " you mean Lumen Gentium 16". Lumen Gentium 16 does not say there are exceptions. Often there is a blank look on their face. They have a degree in theology but were not taught that Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance, etc) does not state that these cases-saved are visible to us.
However  it is implied by Catholic university professors and superiors of religious communities that these persons now in Heaven; saved in invincible ignorance etc are visible to us and so are known exceptions to every one needing to convert into the Church.
I  keep repeating these same points when I talk to priests and many of them know what  I am saying. They know exactly what I am saying but do not want to affirm the Faith.They willl hide  the truth.It comes to a point when those who know are actually telling lies.May be they think it is a virtue.
1.Knowingly they  will  not mention in private conversation that there are no exceptions.
2. In their homilies  they will not mention that there are no exceptions.
3. This is not being taught in Catholic religious classes in schools, or in RCIA courses.
No one mentions that the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II say all  need faith and baptism for salvation and there are no exceptions.The Council is traditional on other religions and Christian communities.
Pope Benedict XVI and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the  Faith,Vatican wanted the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) to accept a Vatican Council II which would say all do not need faith and baptism for salvation and that there are known exceptions(only if they are known can they be exceptions).
No controversy, no tension, no persecution-just tell a  lie ! This  is how it was all these years.
Yesterday before the Filipino priest could leave the sanctuary to offer Mass I left the church.I did not attend Mass on the feast day of St..Anthony of Padua.-Lionel Andrades


  1. God bless you, Lionel. Keep up the good fight!! Sooner or later the truth will come out. Thank you for 'shouting it from the housetops'. Clearly, the Emperor has no clothes, but only those with the eyes of Faith have the good sense to say it.

  2. Amen to that! Lionel is a persistent Truth teller. Outside the Church there is no salvation.
