Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why must the Gospel be announced in the whole world if salvation is also possible outside the Church?

Why must the Gospel be announced in the whole world if salvation is also possible outside the Church?
In this question, which many Catholics ask, it is implied that there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
There is no known salvation outside the Catholic Church!
We do not know anyone on earth who will be saved outside being a visible member of the Church.
We cannot name anyone on earth who does not need to be a Catholic, to be saved from Hell.
All non Catholics in the present time (2013) are on the way to Hell since they are not visible members of the Church i.e they do not have visible Catholic Faith and visible baptism of water(AG 7, CCC 846).
La passione di Cristo
It is possible for all to go to Heaven because of Jesus' Supreme Sacrifice however to benefit from the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, they have to respond. One can only respond for salvation by being a visible member of the Catholic Church; being baptized with water and living the Gospel as interpreted and taught by the Catholic Church.One cannot respond with the baptism of desire.
So the Gospel must be announced so that those who believe and are baptized in the Catholic Church will be saved.
If salvation is possible for someone outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church it would be known only to God. It would be hypothetical for us.It is a possibility  but not a known reality.Since we do not know and cannot know any such case.There is no known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , Ad Gentes 7 of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church  (846 Outside the Church No Salvation).
So the Gospel must be preached since most people on earth are on the way to the fires of Hell, as Jesus said the road to Hell is wide and most people take it, those who do not believe will be condemned and  those who do not gather with Jesus and the only Church He founded, scatter.
Most people in 2013, non Catholics,millions, are oriented to Hell even though salvation is open for all,even though Jesus died for all. Most people who die today are not visible members of the Catholic Church. They die with Original Sin and mortal sins committed in this state of sin.The devils, the caretakers of Hell, can claim them as their own at the time of death.-Lionel Andrades

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