Thursday, July 18, 2013

Changes nothing?

In response to the last post (1) I have received this comment.
Hmm! Changes nothing though if they saw anything at all which recent events indicate they haven't. They're still schismatics and neo-heretics and confessions and marriages with this group are still invalid having fooled many people who are now living in sin. 
What about a person like me, who also attends Mass in Italian and is not a formal member of the SSPX. Why should I support the Vatican Curia for whom there are known exceptions to the dogma! I do not know any one in 2013 who is an exception and the CDF archbishops and cardinal cannot name any case. Would you say they have fooled many people and are now living in sin? Archbishop Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia ?
On the other hand the SSPX Chapter Statement is rational and is in  line with the popes. It is in agreement with Tradition as taught by the Holy Spirit.It's traditional position on other religions is in accord with Vatican Council II without the Cushing error.
The position of the Vatican Curia is against the teachings of the Holy Spirit, as taught over the  all these years. The Curia is still interpreting Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.So what is their credibility if tomorrow they claim that SSPX weddings etc are not valid. Are they valid if they are not in accord with the popes, Church Councils, Tradition and the Magisterium up to Pope John Paul II ?
To deny an ex cathedra dogma with an irrational premise, supposedly being able to see exceptions, is a mortal sin.This is what Catholics are being taught and so it is a scandal- another sin. The CDF offiicals  are officiating at weddings etc in this condition of mortal sin.
So far I have not attended an SSPX Mass and received the Eucharist. But only so far...
-Lionel Andrades
July 18, 2013
The SSPX members who met at the General Chapter Meeting saw through the ruse

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