Thursday, July 18, 2013

The SSPX is really rejecting Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error: so am I

The difference between the SSPX and me is that I accept Vatican Council II without the Richard Cushing Error
When the CDF tells the SSPX that they must accept Vatican Council II they are careful not to say without the Richard Cushing Error. They want the SSPX to continue to accept the Council with the Richard Cushing premise just as they do and the rest of the liberal Left. So it would be a big victory if the SSPX also caves like the Vatican and justifies a Council interpreted by mixing up and confusing de jure and de facto statements in the Council.
I am just a lay man and no one tells me that I am obligated to accept Vatican Council with the usual tag along nonsense.I would simply say that I accept the Council without the dead man visible theory  while the SSPX and the rest of the world make the common error.
I accept Ad Gentes 7, (faith and baptism needed for salvation) in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Vatican Curia and the SSPX do not .
I accept Lumen Gentium 16 as being implicit and so in agreement with Ad Gentes7- at least not contradicting it. The Vatican Curia and the SSPX interpret LG 16 as referring to visible-to-us cases, dead and now saved, who are exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 and to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
This is the difference between me and all of them.
It's a pity that the SSPX is not aware of what  I am saying or for political reasons does not wish to affirm the Council in agreement with the dogma. Or may be they do not want to appear anti Semitic and be targeted financially by the Jewish Left.
If they accept Vatican Council II without the Cushing Error they will be in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and then the Jewish Left will threathen them.
They have already suspended SSPX priests who opposed the Jewish Left via the media.They have also removed a lot of material from their websites.Now, by supporting  a Vatican Council II without telling us all that they can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance, they will be head on against those whom Bishop Bernard Fellay has called the enemies of the Church.

In my case it doesn't make a difference if I am targeted by the Jewish Left. I lead a simple life here and any change in my lifestyle would be an improvement.
-Lionel Andrades
Photo: Old woman and cat leading a simple life. Things are not as bad for me yet.

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