Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Faithful Answers ignores questions and comments on Catholic salvation

There is a new Catholic website, Faithful Answers, in which one of the apologists is Robert Sungenis. There have been articles on salvation posted by Lawrence Gonzaga, who assists Sungenis.
Here are some posts on my blog relative to Robert Sungenis.They have been  posted as a comment on Faithful Answers. 
Where was the Answer on Faith Answers? Probably soon!
-Lionel Andrades

Update: Faithful Answers has posted the two comments.Soon I expect there will be comments/answers from apologists Robert Sungenis and Lawrence Gonzaga.

Update 1(19.7.2013) : Faithful Answers has removed my posts again. Robert Sungenis could not answer them. He also did not want to respond to a post on Sedevacantism.As expected ! Also the other apologists  are probably exposed to something new.So they too do not want to comment - or ask questions!-L.A

May 20, 2013
Still no theological response from apologists Fr.Brian Harrison and Robert Sungenis

 Robert Sungenis violates Aristotles Principle of Non Contradiction

We do not know of any remnant saved with invincible ignorance. We do not know if there is a single person this year or the last year saved in invincible ignorance.
Robert Sungenis' talks on salvation have become obsolete
Richard Cushing Error runs through Sungenis' talks
Robert Sungenis has an irrational, non traditional, liberal position position on other religions and ecumenism in Vatican Council II with reference to salvation

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you posted this prematurely. Your post is up at Faithful Answers:

    Laurence Gonzaga is an apologist in his own right. Nice try with the "guilt by association" ploy by tying him to Sungenis.
