Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Traditionalist blogger assumes baptism of desire conflicts with dogma on exclusive salvation

from A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics
But what I wanted to discuss was Pope Eugene's seeming........rejection?......of baptism by desire (implicitly) or baptism by blood (explicitly).  My understanding had always been that salvation from baptism by desire and/or baptism by blood were probably quite rare, but definitely means of salvation for those outside the Church. I'm not sure how to reconcile these words from Pope Eugene with that....Doctrine?  I always thought they were Doctrines, anyways. I know Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus is a Doctrine, a Dogma even, even though it has only rarely been well taught in this country. And we all likely know that these "hard" beliefs regarding "denial" of salvation to those outside the Faith have been essentially ignored, if not totally repudiated, by most int he Church since VII.  So, there is much confusion.
Pope Eugene and the other popes and Councils knew that the baptism of desire could only be a possibility and it could only be known to God.So it was not an exception to the defined dogma. It was irrelevant to the dogma.
If the baptism of desire was visible to us if we knew cases personally then they would be exceptions to the dogma as defined by Pope Eugene.
This was the mistake of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits at Boston.
They assumed that the baptism of desire which is accepted in principle was known in fact, in reality, to be exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
-Lionel Andrades
Some key Magisterial pronouncements on Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus…and a question July 16, 2013

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