Monday, July 15, 2013

Living Tradition has made a factual error : so have other Catholic media

The same error of allegedly being able to physically see the dead or know them personally on earth or Heaven, made by Living Tradition of the Roman Theological Forum, is also there in so many Catholic media, traditionalist and dissenting.
It's there on the websites presently of EWTN, Catholic Answers, Catholics United for the Faith, Catholic Legate...
They say they do not accept the literal interpretation of Fr. Leonard Feeney.Why ?. The answer," We can see the dead saved with the baptism of desire etc who are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on all needing  to enter the Church visibly to go to Heaven and avoid Hell."
They do not say that they are afraid they will be persecuted and that some of them could lose their big bank balance and comfortable lifestyle.It's easier to put the blame on the 'Feeneyites' and to condemn them. "Those ultra traditionalists who are so different from us good Catholics!".The Feeneyite scapegoat!Many writers on these Catholic websites know they have made a mistake but they don't want to support Fr.Leonard Feeney.So they lie.
So many of them misinform Catholics on the true teachings of the Catholic Church - Art Sippo, Patrick Madrid, Stever Ray...Even traditonalists at Rorate Caeili, the Latin Mass Societies,Mons.Ignacio Barreiro,Fr.Brian Harrison, SSPX and FSSP priests...
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. ....and this is the punishment for not teaching the faith in the Vatican II era. How do we canonize these decades when we were led by the inability and silence to correct , clarify and properly teach the Catholic faith as was handed down by the previous centuries?


    George Brenner
